Statements of the OSCE, Council of Europe, European Union, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and the United States regarding the developments in Moldova after the April 5, 2009 parliamentary elections



1.Post-election interim report on the 5 April 2009 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova. 17.04.2004.
2.OSCE Mission to Moldova condemns post-election violence and appeals to all sides for restraint. 07.04.2009.
3.Statement of preliminary findings and conclusions on parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova, 5 April 2009. 06.04.2009.

Council of Europe

4.Council of Europe. Secretary General Terry Davis statement on Moldova. Council of Europe. 15.04.2009.
5.Situation following elections in Moldova. Council of Europe. 08.04.2009.
6.Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Devis statement on Moldova. 09.04.2009.

European Union

7.Joint Press Release by the Czech, French and Swedish Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Moldova. 09.04.2009.
8.Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner on violent demonstrations in Chisinau. European Commission. 08.04.2009.
9.Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, concerned with the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009.
10.Statement by the Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner on the Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Moldova (05/04/2009). European Commission. 06.04.2009.


11.Statement of the President of Romania Traian Basescu regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova (in Romanian). 14.04.2009.
12.Romanian MFA statement regarding the decisions of the authorities in Chișinău. 08.04.2009.
13.Romanian MFA statement regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009.
14.Romanian MFA supports the EU statement regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009.


15.МИД Украины относительно акций протеста в Республике Молдова. 08.04.2009.


16.О событиях в Республике Молдова. Государственная Дума РФ. 08.04.2009.
17.Statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Concerning the Events in Moldova. 08.04.2009.

United States of America

18.U.S. Department of State on the Aftermath of Protests in Moldova. 16.04.2009.



1.Post-election interim report on the 5 April 2009 parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova.

2.OSCE Mission to Moldova condemns post-election violence and appeals to all sides for restraint. 07.04.2009. The Head of the OSCEs Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Philip Remler, condemned todays outbreak of violence in the Moldovan capital following Sundays parliamentary elections and urged all political sides to do their utmost to de-escalate the situation. Violence is not compatible with democratic values. We strongly urge all to refrain from any violent actions, which we unreservedly condemn. We call on the authorities and all political forces to exercise restraint and to urge others to show restraint as well,” he said. Sundays parliamentary elections were observed by a joint mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament. The joint missions statement and preliminary findings can be found here: The OSCE Mission to Moldova will continue to monitor the protest in line with its mandate. ODIHR is following the post-election situation according to its normal procedures.
3.Statement of preliminary findings and conclusions on parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova, 5 April 2009.

Council of Europe
Situation in Moldova: PACE co-rapporteurs ask the authorities for ‘full information. Josette Durrieu (France, SOC) and Egidijus Vareikis (Lithuania, EPP/CD), co-rapporteurs on Moldova for the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), have sent letters to the Presidents of the Republic and the Parliament of Moldova requesting full information about the sequence of events that followed the elections on Sunday 5 April 2009. The letters read as follows: As co-rapporteurs on Moldova for the PACE Monitoring Committee, we have been closely following, with sadness and respect, the events and violence that have disrupted your country over the last few days.

We take note of the announcement of the results of the parliamentary elections on 5 April 2008 by the Central Electoral Commission and its decision to recount, nevertheless, the ballots in all the country’s polling stations. These parliamentary elections, which were observed by the Council of Europe Assembly, should have enabled the country to strengthen democratic institutions and make progress towards European integration. We hope that order will be permanently restored and that democracy will prevail.

We have taken note of many reports from international and non-governmental organisations and political sources concerning human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by the police during the events from 6 to 8 April 2009. In order to enable us to carry out an objective, impartial analysis of the situation, we should be grateful if you would provide us with full information about the sequence of events, the actions of the police and measures taken by the competent authorities in your country to investigate and punish proven human rights violations. We should also like to receive detailed information about the ballot recount and the final results of the elections.

So that we can take account of this when the recent events in Moldova are discussed at the Monitoring Committee meeting to be held in Strasbourg from 27 to 30 April 2009, we should appreciate it if you would send us this information as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we should like, Mr President, to offer your country and yourself our wishes for stability and to reaffirm our deep-seated conviction that the democratic process alone can help Moldova to carry out the reforms needed to make progress towards European integration.

We are at the disposal of the Moldovan authorities for the purposes of discussing all means of overcoming the current political crisis and strengthening democratic institutions with due respect for pluralism, the rights of the opposition and citizens’ rights.”

4.Council of Europe. Secretary General Terry Davis statement on Moldova. Council of Europe. 15.04.2009. During the last few days, we have received very mixed news from Moldova. On one hand, I am encouraged by the proposal to check electoral lists and recount the votes. This should help to calm the post-election controversy. On the other hand, I am very concerned about alleged breaches of human rights with alleged detention of large numbers of people, including children, and restrictions on the freedom of media. Against this background, I have asked Jean-Louis Laurens, the Director General for Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe, to travel to Chisinau immediately and report on the situation in the country.”

5.Situation following elections in Moldova. Council of Europe. 08.04.2009. Statement by Spains Minister for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and Lluís Maria De Puig, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
"We have learned with concern about the violent events which have taken place in Chisinau following the 5 April parliamentary elections in Moldova. The storming of public buildings is unacceptable and we urge a halt to any further violence on all sides. We underline at the same time the importance of securing peoples right to peaceful assembly. We call on all political leaders in the country to enter into a dialogue with a view to preventing any further violence.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe observed Sundays elections and noted that they met many international standards, but that further improvements were needed. Restoring public confidence requires that rapid action is taken to address the shortcomings noted by international observers during the elections. The Council of Europe is willing to assist in this process.

6.Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Devis statement on Moldova. 09.04.2009. I am concerned about reported violence during the protests against the election results in Chisinau. This is not acceptable and I call on everyone to show restraint. Council of Europe and other international observers noted several shortcomings which will have to be improved before the next elections, but they did not challenge the overall results. Some people may not be happy with the outcome, but accepting defeat is a part of the democratic process. As to any specific allegations of electoral irregularities, these should be dealt with in the court not in the street.

European Union

7.Joint Press Release by the Czech, French and Swedish Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Moldova. 09.04.2009. The EU Presidency Trio during their meeting in Sarajevo reiterated the messages contained in the previous EU Presidency statements on the situation in Moldova issued on April 7 and 8.
The EU remains ready to work with Moldova in accordance with European values and principles and is committed to further strengthen mutual relations between EU and Moldova. In this regard, the role of the EUSR for Moldova is essential.

For the EU it is essential to enjoy good relations with its neighbours. While understanding the complexity of the Moldovan-Romanian relations, we call on the Government of Moldova to resume normal relations with Romania.We call on the Moldovan authorities to respect all constitutional freedoms and on all parties to refrain from any violence.

8.Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner on violent demonstrations in Chisinau. European Commission. 08.04.2009. "I am deeply concerned by reports about clashes between demonstrators and police in Chisinau. I call upon all involved to immediately stop any acts of violence. I urge all concerned to exercise restraint and engage in dialogue. I strongly call for the leaders of all Moldovan parties to call for calm, pursue dialogue and avoid statements that could further inflame the situation. I remind all parties that any complaint in connection to last Sunday’s election should be addressed through the existing channels.”

9.Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, concerned with the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009. Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), expressed his concern over the situation in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, and made the following statement : "I am very concerned over the situation in Chisinau, following the 5 April parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova. International election observers noted in their preliminary findings that the elections met many international standards and commitments, but that further improvements were required to ensure an electoral process free from undue administrative interference and to increase public confidence. I call on all sides to refrain from violence and provocation. Violence against government buildings is unacceptable. Equally important is the respect for the inalienable right of assembly of peaceful demonstrators."

10.Statement by the Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner on the Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Moldova (05/04/2009). European Commission. 06.04.2009. I am pleased that the elections for the fifth Parliament of the Republic of Moldova were conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner and in an overall pluralistic environment. I wish to congratulate the Moldovan people for their active participation in these elections, which confirms their commitment to democracy in their country.

Nevertheless, I have taken note of the Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions made by the OSCE-led International Election Observation Mission, which shows that further efforts need to be made, including at the legislative level, to ensure an electoral process free from undue administrative interference, to guarantee full respect for freedom of expression and access to information as well as to increase public confidence in the process. Therefore, I call on the newly elected parliament to work expeditiously on implementing the Mission s recommendation once they are finalised.

I look forward to the further development of EU-Moldova relations and the implementation of political and economic reforms including the strengthening of rule of law and fundamental freedoms that have been discussed in the course of our dialogue with the Moldovan authorities under the previous legislature.”


11.Statement of the President of Romania Traian Basescu regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova (in Romanian). 14.04.2009.

12.Romanian MFA statement regarding the decisions of the authorities in Chișinău. 08.04.2009. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken note with indignation about the latest decision of the authorities in Chișinău regarding the Romanian ambassador. MFA categorically rejects the accusations of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova regarding the alleged involvement of Romania in the domestic affairs of this country.

The MFA stresses that this accusation towards Romania is a provocation. It is unacceptable that the communist regime in Chișinău transfers the responsibility for the domestic problems of the Republic of Moldova towards Romania and Romanian citizens. The MFA also considers as aberrant the unilateral travel restrictions announced by President Vladimir Voronin.

The MFA emphasizes that Romania will not take similar measures as regards the staff of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Bucharest and will maintain the visa gratuities for Moldovan citizens. Romania has constantly supported the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and will continue to pursue a European approach in its relations with the neighbouring
country, despite the anti-Romanian policy of the communist authorities in Chișinău.

Romania will continue to support the Republic of Moldova to get closer to the European Union, including through projects for the youth who would like to study in our country, as well as through participation in other European programmes for the citizens of this country.The MFA informed its partners in the European and Euro-Atlantic community on its positions.

13.Romanian MFA statement regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely watching with concern the situation in the Republic of Moldova, after the developments happened today. MFA expresses its concern over the information also described by the media regarding the violent acts, the public’s lack of access to information by media channels, the Romanian citizens being prevented from entering the Republic of Moldova and other developments.

MFA will have an official point of view on the situation in the Republic of Moldova after having made a complete analysis of these developments. MFA will reject any provocative attitude against Romania expressed in this context.

14.Romanian MFA supports the EU statement regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova. 07.04.2009. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports the statement of the European Union expressed by the EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, as regards the situation in Chisinau, and it calls on all sides in the Republic of Moldova to refrain from violence and provocation.

MFA draws attention that violence against government buildings is unacceptable and stresses that equally important is the respect for the inalienable right of assembly of peaceful demonstrators of citizens.

MFA states that the respect for the principle of the state of law is equally important, at the same time with the respect of the human rights.


15.МИД Украины относительно акций протеста в Республике Молдова. 08.04.2009. Украина как соседнее государство встревожена таким развитием событий в дружественной Молдове и призывает все стороны к немедленному прекращению насильнических действий. В Украине надеются, что все расхождения вокруг результатов парламентских выборов в Республике Молдова будут урегулированы исключительно правовыми средствами, путем конструктивного диалога без применения силы. В этой связи призываем все политические силы Республики Молдова проявить сдержанность, удержаться от силовых действий и обеспечить безусловное соблюдение демократических норм.


16.О событиях в Республике Молдова. Государственная Дума РФ. 08.04.2009. На пленарном заседании 8 апреля Государственная Дума приняла заявление «О событиях в Республике Молдова». Соответствующий проект постановления был внесен Комитетом по делам СНГ и связям с соотечественниками и Комитетом по международным делам.

Палата с глубокой обеспокоенностью констатирует, что события последних дней в Республике Молдова, дружественном России государстве, развиваются «по крайне опасному для демократических институтов и суверенитета этой страны сценарию».

Ð’ документе со ссылкой на свидетельство российских и международных наблюдателей отмечается, что состоявшиеся 5 апреля парламентские выборы в Молдавии прошли в соответствии с Конституцией и избирательным законодательством Республики Молдова и отвечали общепринятым стандартам демократических выборов. «Представители некоторых политических кругов внутри страны [Молдовы] и за ее пределами, которых не устроили предварительные итоги прошедших парламентских выборов, еще до объявления их официальных результатов спровоцировали массовые волнения и беспорядки в Кишиневе, в результате чего пострадали люди, разгромлены правительственные здания», – говорится в Заявлении.

По оценке Государственной Думы, «такого рода экстремистские действия недопустимы и противоречат как основам конституционного строя Молдавии, так и общепринятым стандартам демократических выборов. Те, кто провоцирует массовые беспорядки, ставят себя вне закона и цивилизованного политического процесса». Особую тревогу у депутатов вызывает проведение провокационных акций под флагами Румынии и Европейского союза, что является прямым вызовом государственности и суверенитету Республики Молдова. В этой связи Государственная Дума ожидает, что власти Румынии и руководящие органы Европейского союза займут исчерпывающе ясную позицию, которая бы не оставляла молдавским экстремистам возможности использовать внешний фактор в ситуации, относящейся исключительно к внутренней компетенции Молдавии.

В принятом документе содержится призыв ко всем, «кто причастен к попыткам дестабилизации обстановки в стране, немедленно прекратить незаконные насильственные действия».

«Власти Республики Молдова, ответственные политические силы страны должны предпринять необходимые шаги для налаживания мирного диалога и нормального демократического процесса, для предотвращения дальнейшей эскалации беспорядков и кровопролития», – говорится в Заявлении. Депутаты призывают мировое сообщество поддержать действия законных властей Республики Молдова по восстановлению стабильности и правопорядка.

Заявление, за принятие которого проголосовали 404 депутата, будет направлено Президенту, в Правительство, Общественную палату, Европейский парламент, Парламентскую ассамблею Совета Европы, Парламентскую ассамблею Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе, Межпарламентскую Ассамблею государств-участников Содружества Независимых Государств, Межпарламентский союз, Парламент Республики Молдова, Парламент Румынии.

17.Statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Concerning the Events in Moldova. 08.04.2009.
We are expressing extreme concern over the events unfolding against the background of the just-concluded regular elections of deputies to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, which took place on April 5. Russian official circles earlier joined the satisfaction voiced by international observers from the OSCE, Council of Europe, CIS, the European Parliament and other organizations that the expression of the will of Moldovan citizens was free and completely in line with democratic and legal norms. Everybody attested to the good preparation for elections, among other things.

However, as it now transpires, preparing for them in their own way were also those who dislike the prerequisites created in recent years for calm and socioeconomic stability, along with the balanced foreign policy course chosen by the countrys leadership and now given a mandate from the public for continuation. Judging by the slogans being proclaimed in the squares and by the abundance of Romanian flags in the hands of the organizers of excesses, their aim is to denigrate recent years achievements in strengthening the Republics sovereignty and perhaps to somehow influence the election results. With the continuation of acts of vandalism the threat stands increasingly pronounced for statehood and democratic processes in Moldova.

The feeling is that the prepared scenarios for agitational struggle and the mobilization of resources of a democracy of storming the streets” have been left without stage managers who had hoped to stage them under their guidance. Anyway, its unlikely there will be many people wishing to link themselves to the anarchic actions that in no way correspond to the norms accepted in a civilized society. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that prudence will prevail, that public and constitutional order will be restored in the coming days and the choice of the citizens of Moldova confirmed by all politically responsible forces. Any attempts to play on the emotions of the young people forming the bulk of the crowd, and especially to stoke these passions from the outside are not merely reckless and reprehensible, but short-sighted as well.

United States of America

18.U.S. Department of State on the Aftermath of Protests in Moldova. 16.04.2009. The United States is concerned about the situation in Moldova following the violence on April 7. Although order has been restored and subsequent demonstrations have been peaceful, we have received reports from civil society and international observers of mistreatment of those detained by Moldovan authorities. We are also troubled by reports that students and journalists have been intimidated by government officials. President Voronins announcement of an amnesty for many of those detained is an encouraging step toward reconciliation.

We urge the government to act in accordance with Moldovan law and its international obligations when dealing with the opposition, protesters, and the media. All parties need to conduct themselves responsibly. It is also important that the government reach out to opposition parties and address their concerns about the April 5 election in a cooperative and transparent manner. We stress that there is no excuse for violence, such as took place on April 7. The United States remains committed to working closely with Moldova and its people as the country continues down the path of European integration. Respect for the rule of law and human rights are key elements in our relationship.