Project: Enhancing the role of local authorities, regional civil society and mass-media in implementing the Law on Ensuring Equality (Anti-discrimination Law): July 2014 – June 2015.


The project has been implemented with the assistance of the Embassy of Finland to the Republic of Moldova. The key goal of the project is to raise the awareness of the local authorities and journalists about their role in preventing and combating all forms of discrimination, as well as to develop anti-discrimination capacities of the regional and local level. The project is implemented in partnership with the National Council for preventing and combating discrimination and ensuring equality.

In order to achieve the project objectives the Foreign Policy Association (APE) will undertake
the following activities:

 20 (one day) anti-discrimination trainings for local authorities and journalists in 20
regional centers (cities) of Moldova. The participants (around 40 people) will be informed
about the main purpose of the Law on Ensuring Equality, will be familiarized with the
main discrimination notions and forms, will learn how to detect, report and combat
discrimination phenomena, will be introduced to their key responsibilities in the field of
preventing and combating discrimination;
 Publishing 10 anti-discrimination articles in local mass-media;
 Publishing Final Public Report ”Anti-discrimination Recommendations addressed to local