8 -12 February 2016 Visit of Estonian LEADER developers to Moldova: Enhancing the rural development capacities of the Moldovan local authorities

Time: 08.02.2016și12.02.2016

Place: Moldova

General information about the project:

Title of the project:Enhancing the rural development capacities of the local authorities”

Objective:The key goal of the project is to assist Moldovan local authorities to improve the quality of life and to diversify economic activities in the rural areas. Moldovan can achieve this objective by fostering local rural development partnerships that would engage local authorities, local entrepreneurship and local civil society organizations. Estonian Local Action Groups (LAGs) for rural development provides us with positive experience on this matter. Estonias LAGs are considered to represent a successful implementation of the bottom-up and decentralized approach to the development of rural areas in the European Union, known as Leader approach”. The project will help local authorities, local entrepreneurship and civil society to exploit the Estonian LAGs experience in order to strengthen their rural development role and capacities.

Contact Email:

List of Participants:

1. Ms. Krista Kõiv, Rural Economy Research Centre, Estonian National Rural Network – kk(a)maainfo.ee
2. Ms. Ave Bremse, Rural Economy Research Centre, Estonian National Rural Network – ave(a)maainfo.ee
3. Ms. Ene Sarapuu, LAG manager of the EstonianLAG Kodukant Läänemaa


LEADER in Estonia – ENG

LEADER in Estonia – RUS

LEADER in ESTONIA – RUS (shorter with pictures)

LEADER LAG Läänemaa Kodukant – ENG

LEADER LAG Läänemaa Kodukant -RUS

LEADER transnational co-operation examples ENG.

LEADER transnational co-operation examples RUS