NATO Advanced Research Workshop Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat to NATO Allies and Their Neighbours.


The 1st day of Workshop:

Opening remarks, introduction and welcoming remarks

Dr. Kacper Rekawek, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

Kacper Rękawek is an analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs, assistant professor at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland, and the managing editor of The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs. He is also the author of the Irish Republican Terrorism and Politics (Routledge, 2011). His work appeared in Terrorism and Political Violence, Irish Political Studies, Critical Studies on Terrorism.

Victor Chirila. Executive Director of the Foreign Policy Association (APE)

Victor Chirila is Executive Director of the Foreign Policy Association. He holds Master of Science in European Public Policy awarded by the Edinburgh University, United Kingdom. Between 1996 and 2006, Mr. Chirila worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. During this period, he held different positions including Deputy Director of the European Integration Department, Chief of Staff of the Foreign Minister, Political Counselor at the Moldovan Embassy in the United State of America, Deputy Director of the Europe and North America Department and the International Economic Relations Department. He has written many analyses, commentaries and studies on European integration, Moldovan foreign policy and Transnistrian settlement.