Project: “European integration and Foreign Policy Dialogues / Annual Moldovan European Integration Debate Forum”: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.


The project was implemented with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova. Its main goal was to bring Moldovan foreign policy issues closer to the citizens of Moldova, by making information more accessible to them. Therefore, APE has institutionalized a permanent informational and debating platform on European integration and foreign policy issues that gives space and explores the relevant and competent opinions – of the officials, politicians, businessmen, diplomats, local and international experts. The main beneficiaries of the project were Moldovan NGOs, journalists, foreign policy experts, international relations professors, political parties, politicians, parliamentarians, governmental officials, diplomats and of course ordinary people.

During the reporting period, APE undertook the following activities:

  • 12 radio programmes and 12 newsletters were developed. The radio programmes involved interviews with political analysts, politicians, decision-makers, representatives of the ruling parties and the opposition. The electronic newsletters were developed based on the radio programmes interviews and distributed electronically to about 1000 recipients.
  • Organized 4th Annual Moldovan European Integration Debate Forum; 11 October 2016. The main purpose of the Moldovan European Integration Debate Forum was to provide a platform for comprehensive discussions and debates on the most critical European integration challenges of the country with a view to assisting the Republic of Moldova in progressing on the European integration path and the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU.