Message for the Republic of Moldova from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski. 24.07.2009.


In order to send a clear signal of support for democratic tendencies and proeuropean attitude demonstrated by the Moldovan society as well as the political class, prior to the elections on 29 July 2009, Radosław SIKORSKI, the Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs is to undertake mission to the Republic of Moldova on 24 July 2009. This mission has been given full consent from the EU Swedish Presidency and the Greek OSCE chairmanship. In the spirit of international co-operation, based on principles of democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, he wishes to convey a following message to the Moldovan counterparts:

1.Fair and free elections on 29 July 2009 should be considered by Moldova a prerequisite for enhanced dialogue with those partners for whom democratic values, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms constitute a basis of relations with other countries.

2.Following a positive, international evaluation of the elections, Poland hopes for advocating Moldovas case on the EUs forum. It will be effectuated by supporting:

-negotiations with the newly elected Moldovan authorities on the new Association Agreement,

-discussion on ways aimed at mitigating the impact of the global financial crisis on the countrys economy, including the Republic of Moldovas engagement into the European financial mechanisms and the Eastern Partnership projects,

-Moldovas talks with international financial institutions (IMF, EBRD, EBI),

-a comprehensive package for democracy support to be launched in the Republic of Moldova.

To that end, in the period prior and following the elections, Poland baseded on the EUs principles will call upon the authorities of the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the opposition parties and members of the society:

1.To refrain from all actions which may be considered as undemocratic and infringing upon human rights and fundamental freedoms of the citizens.

2.To act according to the rules of law, having in mind first and foremost raison détat, and not particular political or individual interests.

3.To co-operate peacefully in performing the authority of the State, based on dialogue and wide social consensus is the most efficient way towards future prosperity of a country.

4.To lead further democratic reform processes in the country with respect to democracy, human rights and freedom of the media, gradually adjusting the Moldovan law to acquis communautaire.

5.To investigate in an impartial and effective way human rights violations as well as the events around 7 April, including in the process the opposition as well as international experts.

6.To look for a peaceful solution of the issue of Transnistria, based on the existing mechanisms elaborated by the international community and with its engagement.

7.To demonstrate openness for cooperation with the international community, including the EU and the closest neighbors, ensuring equal treatment to all EU citizens in The Republic of Moldovas visa policy.

Taking into consideration the countrys traditional links with Europe, and the role the Republic of Moldova is playing in the region, Poland believes that fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions will constitute an important step towards strengthening the Republic of Moldovas relations with international partners devoted to the principles of democracy.

Poland declares its readiness to assist the Republic of Moldova in its efforts aimed at reforming the country, and thus emphasizing its role in the family of democratic states.