Press Release: Study visit in Estonia for civil society representatives from Chisinau and Tiraspol


On June 25-29, the Foreign Policy Association (APE) organized a study visit in Estonia with the support of the Republic of Moldovas Embassy in Tallinn.

The Study visit was organized in the framework of the project Strengthening civil society partnership between both banks of Nistru River through implementing joint research projects”, financially supported by Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, German Marshall Fund.

During the visit, experts from Chisinau and Tiraspol have had a series of meetings and discussions at the Estonian Ministry of Economy, Tallinn Technological University, International Centre for Defence Studies in Tallinn, Ministry of Education and Eurocollege in Tartu. Also discussions were held with representatives of the local council in Narva city (trade, education, economy), the Head of the Local Authorities Association and the Governor of Laane și Virumaa County și Einar Vallbaum.

As a result of this project APE will deliver 5 studies on trade, education, energy, regional development which will include recommendations regarding developing and implementation of some projects having as main goal promoting sectoral cooperation between both sides of the Nistru River.

Chisinau, July 1 2013