Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.7 (2014)



1. Annual European Integraton Debate Forum at its second editon. The frst achievements and challenges in the implementaton of the Associaton Agreement with the EU as viewed by the decision-makers from Chisinau, Brussels, and Berlin.
2. Justce reform and fghtng against corrupton – key-challenges of the European integraton process.
Cristna Țărnă, deputy director of the ACC and Oleg Efrim, justce minister say the things advance though not as quickly as we would like.
3. Independence of mass media in the context of the European integraton.
Corina Fusu, member of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and Petru Macovei, executve director of the Independent Press Associaton say the politcians will always be inclined to control the mass media and the things will change together with the changes in the politcal class.

Newsletter APE_FES_2014_7_ENG