Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.2 (2015)



1. The minority government in Chisinau established with the vote of the Party of Communists. Ex-Prime-Minister Iurie Leanca quits PLDM and announces creation of a new political project.
2. Priorities of the parliamentary partes – between the European integration and the Eurasian integration.
2015: Economic prospects in a complicated regional and internal context. An editorial by the ex-minister of Finance, Veaceslav Negruță.
4. Briefing Book handed in to the new government by the development partners: recommendations or ultimatum? The main theses of the document, an interview on the topic with the Swedish ambassador,
Ingrid Tersman, and an opinion of the director of the Foreign Policy Associaton, Victor Chirilă.

Newsletter APE_FES_2015_2_ENG