Session III: Impact of conflict on women, 16 August, 2018


“The women’s participation peacekeeping operations at the global level is only 3%, when on Republic of Moldova are represented only by 3 women in peacekeeping missions”.

With a such message came Svetlana ANDRIEȘ, program coordinator of UN Women in Moldova, noting that the involvement of women in peace processes, security and recovery is underrepresented both nationally and internationally. In her presentation, Svetlana Andrieș, informed the participants about the global study on the implementation of resolution 1325, highlighting gaps and challenges faced by women in conflict and peace processes.

At the same time, women’s participation in peacekeeping missions can contribute 20 per cent to the probability of a peace agreement lasting at least 2 years, and 35 per cent probability of concluding peace agreement lasting 15 years.

Another trainer of this session was Victoria PUIU, representative of UN Women in Moldova, who came with a presentation dedicated to “Gender Equality and Sexist Language”. The topic approached by Victoria Puiu, emphasized the discriminatory practices used in public and media space, gave the examples referring to specific aspects:

  • How to address questions;
  • Using the masculine plural;
  • Using generalization and terms with absolute character.