Alla Rosca, APE Associated Expert: Republic of Moldova – United States Relations in the Context of Chisinau’s European Integration: Lost Opportunities and Potential Perspectives.


The Republic of Moldova and the United States of America relationship could be analyzed as interactions between a superpower and a small state, and the U.S.’ diplomacy in Chisinau has followed the same principle as for other Former Soviet States, including supporting the consolidation of democracy, promoting free trade, maintaining territorial integrity, and assuring security and peace in the region. The Republic Moldova has been of interest to Washington policy makers due to its geopolitical situation on the borders of NATO and the European Union members and strategically situated Ukraine. The depth of the relationship between the U.S. and Moldova has hinged, almost always, on a complex interplay between the activism of the other big powers in the region – European Union and Russia Federation, and the domestic factors in Chisinau.

US-RM revised July 13 2018 redact_3
