Round table within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid Threats as a Response to Refugee Influx: Active Resilience Approach of the Republic of Moldova”


On November 25, 2022, in the premises of the Association for Foreign Policy (APE) a round table was held with the regional partners of the APE within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid Threats as a Response to Refugee Influx: Active Resilience Approach of the Republic of Moldova”.

The representatives of APE, Nord News, the European Center “Pro-Europe” from Comrat and the Security Zone summed up the results of the activities carried out during the months of October and November, pointed out the main preliminary conclusions of the consultations with state institutions, organizations civil society, media institutions and representatives of Ukrainian refugees. During the discussions, the participants estimated the common points but also the observed differences, depending on the geographical area, compared to the subjects and processes analyzed within the project.

The round table is organized within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid Threats as a Response to Refugee Influx: Active Resilience Approach of the Republic of Moldova” implemented by APE in partnership with Nord News, the “Pro-Europe” European Center from Comrat and The Security Zone, funded by a grant from the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) with support from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.