Consultation session within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid Threats as a Response to Refugee Influx: Active Resilience Approach of the Republic of Moldova”


On November 16, 2022, in the premises of the Association for Foreign Policy (APE), took place the third consultation session with representatives of state institutions, civil society and the media, which had as topics of discussion the management of the Ukrainian refugee crisis, analyzing the actions of state institutions and civil society in countering new hybrid threats as a result of the influx of refugees, identifying disinformation messages and current issues, related to the main consequences of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine.

During the discussions, the participants of the event exposed themselves to the social problems faced by certain categories of Ukrainian refugees and analyzed various measures and mechanisms that civil society, the media and state institutions can undertake in order to solve them.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), the Center for Women’s Rights (CDF ), the Watchdog Community, Keystone Moldova, Institutum Virtutes Civilis (IVC), the Association of Ukrainians from the Republic of Moldova and the Realitatea press group.

These consultations are organized within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid Threats as a Response to Refugee Influx: Active Resilience Approach of the Republic of Moldova” implemented by APE in partnership with Nord News, the “Pro-Europe” European Center from Comrat and The Security Zone, funded by a grant from the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) with support from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.