Round Table Discussion with the NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova


The Foreign Policy Association (APE) together with the NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova hosted an interactive round table on March 30, 2023, on the occasion of the visit of Ms. Tanya Hartman, Head of Policy East, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, International Staff, NATO. The special guest was accompanied by Ms. Michaela Šimáková, Head of NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova and Mr. Johannes Huisman, country officer for Moldova, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO HQ.

The round table, which was moderated by Natalia Stercul, Executive Director of the Foreign Policy Association (APE), addressed various topics related to regional security dynamics, the war in Ukraine, threats to the security of the Republic of Moldova, society’s perception of NATO’s role in ensuring security and issues related to human rights. Among the participants of the round table were representatives of civil society, such as Ion Manole, Executive Director of Promo-Lex, Tatiana Busuncian, director of the Pro Marshall Center of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Albu, Executive Director of the Platform for Security and Defense Initiatives (PISA), experts such as Vadim Enicov, expert in human rights protection, law enforcement and security sector, Nicoleta Adam, intern at the Foreign Policy Association (APE), Cezara Budu, intern of the NATO Information and Documentation Center (CID NATO), as well as representatives of the academic environment and students of Moldova State University, Lolita Melnic and Alina Corliuga.

The participants of the event highlighted the need for more effective communication between the NATO Office and society, especially regarding the activities and role of NATO as a leading organization in ensuring security. Moreover, a special emphasis was placed on the prospects of reforming the security system of the Republic of Moldova in order for it to be prepared to face hybrid threats. The participants also discussed the risks of the Transnistrian problem for the security of the state, revealed the problems related to human rights in the region and reviewed the main regional developments since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.