This presentation paper, a concise yet comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the Joint Staff Working Document (JSWD) Eastern Partnership (EaP) Priorities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Crafted by dedicated authors within each respective country, this paper serves as a vital snapshot of the regional progress and challenges encountered in the pursuit of common objectives. While elaborating this document our authors have diligently collected and processed pertinent data. Their commitment is evident, even in instances where access to real-time information was challenging in 2023 (like in the case of Armenia) a thorough analysis of key trends observed in 2022 was undertaken. This adaptive approach ensures a robust evaluation, fostering a nuanced understanding of the ongoing dynamics within each nation.

It is crucial to note that this presentation paper intentionally refrains from presenting definitive conclusions and recommendations. Instead, it sets the stage for collaborative discussions in Brussels, where the insights and findings contained herein will serve as a catalyst for informed deliberations. As we embark on this research of regional collaboration, the further step is exploring the narratives voiced by the authors. Their narratives encapsulate not only the key takeaways, achievements and milestones but also shed light on the challenges encountered on the path to realizing the JSWD EaP Priorities. This collaborative effort paves the way for a richer dialogue, one that strives for shared prosperity, strengthened cooperation, and a more resilient Eastern Partnership.

We invite you to delve into the essence of this presentation paper, to absorb the narratives presented, and to contribute actively to the upcoming discussions. Together, we shape the future of regional cooperation, striving for a more interconnected and prosperous Eastern Partnership.

This publication was produced by the think tank consortium led by Ukrainian Prism, with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”  and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

The project benefits from support through the EaP Civil Society Forum Re-granting Scheme (FSTP) to Members and is funded by the European Union as part of its support to civil society in the region. Within its Re-granting Scheme the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) supports projects of its members that contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the Forum.

Grants are available for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Key areas of support are democracy and human rights, economic integration, environment and energy, contacts between people, social and labour policies.


Download: http://www.ape.md/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/EaP-JSWD-Presentation-Paper.pdf