On June 11, the Aspen Institute Romania hosted in Chișinău an Aspen Dialogue with former prime ministers Mr. Ion Sturza and Ms. Natalia Gavrilița and with Mr. Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister, Aspen Alumnus. The discussion focused on ways of supporting Moldova to increase its societal and democratic resilience, in the context of wider systemic transformations and was moderated by Ms. Stella Jemna, Manager of the Aspen Institute Romania Chișinău Office.

The event was organized in the margins of the first edition of the Aspen Socrates Leadership Seminar Moldova and was attended by approximately 40 guests, including the participants to the Seminar and representatives of the extended Aspen community in Chișinău, who had the chance to connect during the cocktail reception, organized in the second part of the evening.
Aspen Dialogue & Cocktail Reception which was focused on ways of supporting Moldova to increase its societal and democratic resilience, in the context of wider systemic transformations.