The first edition of the , was held in Chișinău between June 10 and 12, organized by the Aspen Institute Romania in partnership with the Aspen Institute Socrates Program and in cooperation with the Oficiul de legătură NATO în Republica Moldova, with the support of the Asociația pentru Politica Externă APE.

The 3 days of Seminar conversations challenge around 25 participants to explore how the Republic of Moldova could increase its societal and democratic resilience, facing multiple hybrid threats, continuing its path to European integration.

Around 25 participants, representing multiple stakeholders, including public decision makers and private sector leaders, alongside relevant representatives of the civil society and academia, were participated in a moderated high-level conversation, focusing on ways to increase Moldova’s societal and democratic resilience, benefitting from high-level guest speakers.

The Socrates Moldova Seminar will explore, in a tense geo-political and geo-economic regional context, how the resilience of our societies, certainly in the countries in Central-Eastern Europe, must be constantly strengthened. The seminar was seek to discuss how Republic of Moldova could strengthen its response to the multiple challenges it faces, and how the political West could offer support, in the context of wider systemic transformations. The Seminar was also seek to incentivize debates on optimal ways of pursuing an enhanced Euro-Atlantic resilience agenda, including by exploring necessary synergies between relevant institutions and societal stakeholders. In addition, the seminar was further explored opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies, including online disinformation and fake news and the pressure these tactics place on institutions and on individuals.

Founded in 1996, the Aspen Institute Socrates Program is an education forum designed to provide individuals access to expert-moderated, text-based Socratic dialogue on issues and questions of great contemporary interest and importance. The Socrates alumni network now numbers 10,000 people from all over the USA and more than 45 countries.

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