APE Press release, EU și Republic of Moldova Forum, October 22-23, 2012


The Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (Asociația pentru Politică externă) in partnership with the German-Moldovan Forum (Deutsch-Moldauisches Forum e.V.) and the Institute for Eastern Studies in Warsaw (Fundacja Instytut Studiów Wschodnich) organized in Berlin, in the period October 22-23, 2012 the second edition of the EU și Republic of Moldova Forum. Co-organizers of the event were the German și Moldovan Forum in Berlin and the German și Moldovan Forum in Chisinau.

The Forum was attended by Vice Prime Ministers Iurie Leanca, Eugen Carpov and Valeriu Lazar, Oleg Efrim, Minister of Justice, Igor Corman, chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and European Integration, Dorin Chirtoaca, Mayer of Chisinau, Mihail Formuzal, Governor of UTA Gagauzia Gagauz-Yeri(Gagauz territorial unit), as well as civil society experts, diplomats, businessmen. APE warmly thanks the guests for participating in this event.

Also, the event was attended by a number of officials, MPs, diplomats and experts from EU and countries as Germany, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

The participants were welcomed by Stefan Fule, Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, who stated that: the EUs answer to the reforms undertaken by the Republic of Moldova has to be an adequate one, which would take into account the efforts made, and namely give Republic of Moldova the perspective of joining the EU.

During their speeches European officials mentioned that the statement made by Commissioner Stefan Fule is an historical one and represents an important step in recognizing the European perspective of the Republic of Moldova by the EU institutions and Member States.

Participants at the Berlin debates agreed with the fact that Republic of Moldova is the Eastern Partnerships success story, taking into account the launched reforms, but also the relations it has with the European Union. Yet, this doesnt mean that the country hasnt a series of problems that must be overrun in order for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to benefit of the European integration course.

Among the key problems which must be overcome were mentioned: corruption in a series of public life domains, inefficient justice, unfriendly business climate, including foreign investments, politicized reforms depending on the internal agenda of the political parties, but also the deficient implementation of the already adopted laws.

The Forum participants point out that the European partners will continue to strongly support the Republic of Moldova on its European course and, at the same time, will insist on obtaining some visible progresses in the mentioned fields.

Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (Asociația pentru Politică externă)
25 October 2012