Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.8 (2014)



1. MACRO Conference 2014 at its second editon. The director of the Expert-Grup, Adrian Lupușor: The state of the country report reveals a slowdown in the economic growth in 2014.
2. The macroeconomist
David Dalton from The Economist Intelligence Unit states that the standard of living of the countries which joined the EU is way above that of the countries which remained under the influence zone of Russia.
3. The director of CRPE,
Cristan Ghinea: The barriers of access to the EU market of the agricultural products have to do with standards, sanitary conditons and the capacity of signing contracts.
Mircea Geoană: I am antcipatng that in 10 years we will witness an absolutely spectacular development of the Republic of Moldova.

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