Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.8 (2015)



1. MACRO-2015: Fostering economic and social security. Adrian Lupușor, executve director of the Independent Analytcal Centre “ExpertGrup”: Moldova is facing most serious economic security challenges since 1991
2. David Dalton, the Economist Intelligence Unit: The economic and politcal situaton in the Republic of Moldova has worsened a lot.
3. Valeriu Prohnițchi, expert with Independent Analytcal Centre “Expert-Grup”: Why is Moldova poor? In the Republic of Moldova, the wellbeing of the elites does not depend on the prosperity of the country.
4. Veaceslav Negruță, ex-minister of Finance: Without transparency nobody will talk seriously with the Republic of Moldova.

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