Editorial by Victoria Bucataru and Natalia Stercul: Do we really want to give up on it?!


Victoria Bucătaru, executive director, Foreign Policy Association

Natalia Stercul, programme director, Foreign Policy Association

The uncertainty, together with the desire to prevent more obvious major democratic skirmishes, dominated the messages of the diplomats and experts – both national and international – who participated in the sixth European Integration Debate Forum held in Chisinau at the end of November. But before that, it was the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who, in the three vox populi that accompanied each of the three discussion panels, were asked about how they perceive the development of relations with the European Union.

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Extract: http://www.ape.md/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/FES_externe_11-153-en.pdf” title=”FES_externe_11 (153) en