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APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #5
On June 29, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the fifth edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #5
On June 29, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the fifth edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
Newsletter, June 2021
1. Mădălin Necșuțu, Balkan Insight correspondent: “How foreign policy is viewed by the main electoral contestants”
2. Editorial by Victor Chirilă, Executive...
Laura Zghibarta: Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova after the 2020 Presidential Elections:...
Laura Zghibarta
Foreign Policy Association of Moldova
April 2021
Summary: The 2020 presidential elections in Moldova have triggered the reconfiguration of the country’s domestic and foreign policies,...
Newsletter, May 2021
1. Leonid Litra, senior research fellow at the New Europe Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine: “The increase of the Russian presence in...
Presentation of the policy brief: “New challenges and opportunities for resetting Moldova-Ukraine relations after...
On 27 May Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the special edition of online analytical debates APE Policy Paper Presentation: «New challenges and...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #4
On May 20, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the third edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #4
On May 20, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the third edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
APE Activity Report January – December 2020
APE Activity Report, January - December 2020
Annex 1, APE Activity Report, January - December 2020
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #3
On April 28, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the third edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #3
On April 28, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the third edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
Newsletter, April 2021
1. Olesea Stamate, presidential advisor: “Corruption is a widespread and deeply rooted phenomenon in Moldova”
2. Ion Sturza, former Prime Minister of...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #2
The second edition of "APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security" , organized by the Foreign Policy Association (APE), took place on...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #2
On April 14, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the second edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security – ”Relaunching the foreign...
On March 29, 2021, the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova organized its first public event within the newly launched analytical broadcast “APE Live: Dialogues...
Newsletter, March 2021
TOPICS OF THE EDITION: Stela Jantuan, political analyst: "The solution is very simple, and this is triggering early parlamentary elections" Cornel Ciurea, political analyst,...
Launch of a new series of public debates “APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy,...
Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) is pleased to announce the launch of a new series of public debates “APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign...
Online debate on the “Eastern Partnership Scenario 2030: Moldova at the Crossroads”
On March 19, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova with the support of Visegrad Insight and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation a project...
Natalia Stercul: Authorities should assume responsibility for implementation of reforms
The authorities in the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia should assume responsibility for the implementation of reforms and should fulfill the relevant obligations...
EU’s calculations in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova –between political crisis, reforms and influence of...
The state of affairs in Moldova at present is very complicated and should be also analyzed from the angle of the complex context of...