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(RUS)Стеркул Наталья: Молдавско-украинские отношения в контексте новых геополитических реалий.

Стеркул Наталья Директор по программам, Департамент Восточных исследований: Украина и Россия Ассоциация Внешней политики Республики Молдова. Основные изменения в молдавско-украинских отношениях в период 2014-2017 гг. обусловлены...

From free trade zones to common economic space. August 2017

The group of three countries that signed the Association Agreement may not look like a common economic space at the moment, since Georgia, Moldova...

Round Table ““The Republic of Moldova’s contribution to regional and international security: participation of...

On 11th of October 2017, Foreign Policy Association launched a pilot initiative to create a platform for discussion on the topic of regional and...

Press Club: APE underlines opportunity of more advanced strategic partnership with Ukraine

The Moldovan-Ukrainian relations this year have been marked by a number of events, including the celebration of 25 years of the establishment of diplomatic...

Press Club: Moldovan-Ukrainian interaction is yet absent at presidential level, APE

Even if the relations between Moldova and Ukraine have intensified at governmental level, they stagnate yet at presidential level. This is also due to...

Press Club: Moldova and Ukraine need common approach to particular issues, APE

The Association Agreement with the EU is one of the elements that unites the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. In such conditions, the two...

Newsletter October, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Roundtable in Chisinau dedicated to the Moldovan-Ukrainian relationship. Opinions of Ukrainian and Moldovan diplomats. 2. Serghei Gherasimciuk: At the high level,...

GMF Study Tour to Moldova, October 2017

GMF Study Tour to Moldova, October 2017 The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and its local partner Foreign Policy Association (APE) organized...

Newsletter September, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. European messages for the Republic of Moldova. Conclusions formulated by the Head of the EU Delegaton to Chisinau, Pirkka Tapiola,...

Foreign Policy Association of Moldova and National Association of Women in Internal Affairs System...

On 5th of September 2017, the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova and the National Association of Women in Internal Affairs System have signed Memorandum...

Training ” Qualitative research methods”

Foreign Policy Association organised a training session for “Qualitative research methods” on 1-2 of September, 2017. The training was conducted by Nadia Dalma, head...

Newsletter July, 2017 nr.6

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Arcadie Barbarosie: Power has seen an enemy in civil society organizatons 2. Lilia Carasciuc: Controlling the civil society is a clear...

Stronger energy security platform for EaP region. July, 2017

In many instances, energy ties became the decisive factors for the post-Soviet countries in their decision to take a path either to Moscow or towards...

Declaration: The attempt to limit foreign funding of NGOs endangers the functioning of democracy...

The legislation of the Republic of Moldova on non-governmental organizations is obsolete, failing to provide sufficient protection against abuses. In spring 2016, the Minister of...

Newsletter June, 2017 nr.5

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Natalia Albu: External threats are fueled by vulnerability within the state - by poor governance 2. Ion Tăbârţă: Moldovan politcal actors...

Bridging Divide: Forging Cooperation And Fostering Collaboration. June, 2017

For the Eastern Partnership, as the one entity that binds these six states, the outlook has improved.

Project: “V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and...

The project was implemented with the support of the International Visegrad Fund. The main goal of the project is to target several areas of...

Project: “Moldova- reality check- Study visit to Moldova & Transnistria region for the EU...

The project was implemented with the support of the Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The...

Project: “Promoting Confidence Building Measure and Sector Cooperation between Moldova & Transnistria region”: BST/...

The project was implemented with the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the United States....

Project: “European integration and Foreign Policy Dialogues / Annual Moldovan European Integration Debate Forum”:...

The project was implemented with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova. Its main goal was to bring Moldovan foreign policy issues closer...