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Мониторинг Политики Безопасносности и Обороны Республики Молдова, Июль-Август 2023

Ассоциация Внешней Политики (APE) запускает серию ежемесячных бюллетеней, посвященных мониторингу политики безопасности и обороны Республики Молдова. Монитор Политики Безопасности и Обороны подготовлен в рамках...


On August 8, 2023 the Foreign Policy Association organized the first event within the project “Strengthening civil society’s engagement in protecting national security under...

Newsletter July, 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Burcu San, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations: Moldova is in the “driver’s seat” in the relationship with NATO...

The Outcomes of the NATO 2023 Summit in Vilnius

BRIEF INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL NOTE Natalia STERCUL, Nicoleta ADAM, Foreign Policy Association Lithuania hosted this year’s NATO Summit on 11-12 July 2023, a historic gathering that shaped...

Chronicles of NATO Summits and their Decisions after the start of Russia’s Full-Scale War...

Natalia STERCUL, Nicoleta ADAM,  Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova  The NATO Summit in Vilnius, which will take place on July 11-12, 2023, will...

Newsletter, June 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Olga Roșca, presidential adviser: “The Republic of Moldova demonstrated administrative capacity at the CPE summit, which indicates that we also...


В предверии Саммита Европейского Политического Сообщества 2023 Наталья СТЕРКУЛ, Исполнительный директор Ассоциации Внешней Политики об основных ожиданиях и подготовке к Саммиту ЕПС в Молдове Посмотреть полную версию...

APE Activity Report, January – December 2022


Natalia Stercul: Security and Synergies — The Importance of the Black Sea Region and...

The geostrategic potential of the Black Sea region has often been overlooked. Natalia Stercul analyses why this is changing in the face of the...

INTERVIU | TV 8, Cutia Neagră

Președintele Asociației pentru Politica Externă, fostul Prim-ministru al Republicii Moldova, Ion Sturza, a participat în cadrul emisiunii "Cutia Neagră" cu Mariana Rață. Cei doi...

Newsletter, April 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Olesea Stamate, MP: The dialogue in the judiciary is intentionally jammed, those who want to prevent the reform are trying...

INTERVIU | Forum, Vocea Basarabiei

Interviu cu Natalia Stercul, Directoare Executivă al Asociației pentru Politica Externă (APE) Discutăm despre prioritățile politicii externe ale Republicii Moldova. Întrebări cheie: - Ce înseamnă statutul...

IPN debate “New Russian foreign policy concept and its impact on the Republic of...

At the end of last month, the Russian Federation made public its new foreign policy concept that brings about essential changes in the relations... Доброго Вечора, Ми З України!

Наталья Стеркул, исполнительный директор Ассоциации Внешней Политики Республики Молдова, в программе Доброго Вечора, Ми З України! В программе участвовали: Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Украины...

Round Table Discussion with the NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova

The Foreign Policy Association (APE) together with the NATO Liaison Office in the Republic of Moldova hosted an interactive round table on March 30,...

Newsletter, March 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Oazu Nantoi, PAS MP: The ‘5+2’ pentalateral format of the Transnistrian settlement is outdated, during its existence we only saw...

Newsletter, February 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Retired general of the Romanian Army, Virgil Balaceanu: "It is important that the financial resources be directed towards the equipment...

Summary: The new wave of hybrid challenges in the Republic of Moldova as a...

Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) brings in your attention a summary document, entitled: "The new wave of hybrid challenges in the Republic of...

IPN: Common electronic program needs to be designed for registering refugees, experts

The refugee crisis caused in the Republic of Moldova by the war in Ukraine caught the authorities unprepared. Therefore, nonuniform practices were applied in...

IPN: Authorities should identity weak points in management of refugee crisis, APE

The authorities should identify the weak points in the management of the crisis of Ukrainian refugees. This assessment should help to better realize the...