Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Elena Gnedina: Moldova eyes EU visa-free travel. EUOBSERVER. 10.05.2010

Moldova has decidedly bet on an uncertain outcome of visa liberalisation with the EU. In diplomatic terms, Moldova is a few years behind Russia and Ukraine, which are already discussing the possibility of visa-free travel with the EU. But such diplomatic formalities are obscuring the fact that Moldova might actually be in the lead when it comes to implementing many of the necessary technical requirements.

Ambassadors issue and its collateral consequences. Analysis by Victor Chirila for Info-Prim Neo. 27.04.2010.

The ambassadors issue has been the focus of attention during the last few weeks and this is explicable. Moldova has not had ambassadors in the capitals of a number of partner countries for over six months. Among these are Washington, Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon, Budapest, Prague, Stockholm, Sofia, Warsaw, Vienna, Vilnius, Beijing, Ankara, Kiev, Minsk, Baku, and Tel-Aviv. There hasn't been any ambassador in Bucharest for more than a year. Most of the ambassadors hold more than one position, working simultaneously in several states. Consequently, the number of partner states where Moldova is not represented by ambassadors is much higher.

Graham Stack: Moldova replaces Ukraine as darling of donors. Businessneweurope. 22.04.2010.

A year ago, Moldova suffered Kyrgyzstan-style public disorder following contested elections, which ended with a new pro-EU government pushing a reform agenda taking power. Lenders and investors took note, and on March 24 the Moldova Partnership Forum brought together sponsors and investors at a major donor conference in Brussels.

Interview with Andrei Popov: Evolution of Republic of Moldovas Diplomatic Relations with Romania, Ukraine...

Corneliu RUSNAC, Moderator IMEDIA: Good day dear listeners! I am Corneliu Rusnac and I invite you to a broadcast of discussions on topics of foreign policy, produced with the support of the „Foreign Policy Association” and financed by „Friedrich Ebert” Foundation. In today's show I

Interview with Victor Osipov: Moldova Deputy PM: Transnistria is a European problem.EurActiv.com. 19.04.2010.

With the Lisbon Treaty, the European Union has more capacity and more powerful tools to establish more of a presence and play a more effective role in resolving Transnistria's frozen conflict, Victor Osipov, deputy prime minister of Moldova, told EurActiv in an exclusive interview.Born in

Chisinau’s charm offensive. Europes poorest country looks for friends in the West. The Economist....

FEW people have heard of Moldova—and when they have, it is usually for the wrong reasons. A frozen conflict with Russian-backed separatists in Transdniestria has hamstrung the country since 1992. A year ago a rigged election brought riots, followed by hundreds of arrests, scores of alleged beatings and rapes, and three deaths. The outrage led to a new election and the formation of a shaky pro-Western coalition government. Its youthful ministers are in sharp contrast to the greyness of the previous regime, nominally a Communist one but in fact crony-capitalist.

Moldova Impresses EU With Reform Agenda, Receives $2.6 Billion In Pledges. Radio Free Europe...

Prime Minister Vlad Filat at the opening session of the Moldova Partnership Forum in Brussels today.

STEFAN FUELE AND PHILIPPE LE HOUEROU: Rethink Moldova. EUObserver.com. 23.04.2010.

With an average yearly income of only €1,100, Moldovans have seen their country steadily grow in the past decade only to run into the headwinds of the global economic crisis.

Moldova signs the Energy Community accession protocol. Interlic. 17.03.2010.

This morning, 17.03.2010 Valeriu Lazar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, and Fatmir Besimi, Minister of Economy of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in his function as the Energy Community Presidency in Office, signed a protocol on the accession of Republic of Moldova to the Energy Community.

Round Table with Anneli Ute Gabanyi: „Presidential Prerogatives and Political Regimes in a European...

At the event participated the APE staff, members of the Board, expets and journalists

End of Year Interview with Ms. Melanie Marlett, World Bank Country Manager for Moldova....

Actually, the entire period has been one continuous highlight for me. I arrived in Moldova during the summer of 2007 when Moldova was facing one of the worst droughts in history. That summer was a very challenging one for the entire country. The Bank responded with support for irrigation through the Rural Investment Support project. In 2008, we had the floods and soaring global food prices. The Bank, working with UNICEF, responded with food supplements for mothers and children in need as well as with cash transfers to social institutions. And, of course, 2009 was a year when Moldova was hit hard by the global economic crisis while also going through an extended political transition. The World Bank has responded swiftly with financial support and expertise to address the effects of the crisis.

Speech by Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius in Chisinau, Moldova during...

It is my first visit in this beautiful country so much alike to Lithuania: by its size and by its historical background. We have a common history which dates back to medieval ages. Lithuanian and Moldovan knights Vytautas and Alexander the Good established trade and personal ties, signed cooperation treaties and even fought the common enemies. Back then Lithuania was building cultural and political bridges to Europe via Moldova. I am very pleased to say that Lithuania and Moldova have been close partners 700 years ago as well as today. I wish that it remains so for many years to come. Our values and our interests must unite us and I believe that you will agree with me if I say that our goal is a United Europe.