Thursday, March 13, 2025
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The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in Moldova: weaknesses, strengths and future opportunities. Victor Chirila....

Summary: The ENP has given a new more dynamic impetus to Moldovas relations with the EU. In the last years, the presence and influence of the EU in Moldova has increased remarkably, the Moldova și EU political cooperation has become more active, broader and deeper,

STATEMENT by Mr. Andrei STRATAN at the Closing Session of the 16th OSCE Ministerial...

We call once again on all involved actors to engage actively in the discussions for the substitution of the military contingents in the Security Zone by a multinational civil mission under an international mandate. We reiterate our position concerning the full, early and unconditional withdrawal of the all military forces and ammunition of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Moldova in compliance with the obligations undertaken in the framework of the OSCE Summits. This will provide the necessary ground for the ratification by the Republic of Moldova of the Adapted CFE Treaty.

STATEMENT by H. E. Mr. Andrei STRATAN, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs...

We fully share the concerns expressed by our colleagues about the critical situation of the Adapted CFE Treaty which we all consider it as a cornerstone of the European security. Withdrawal of the Russian military forces and ammunition from Moldova, in compliance with the obligations undertaken in the framework of the OSCE Summits, must take place unconditionally, completely and transparently. We highly appreciate the continued engagement of OSCE Member States that have contributed to the OSCEs Voluntary Fund for Moldova to support the withdrawal process.

The EU’s Sovereign Neighbours. Nicu Popescu.

The EU has an almost annual ritual of mending its often-criticised policy towards its eastern neighbours - the so-called European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) -- through various upgrades such as the ‘New Ostpolitik', the ENP Plus, enhanced ENP, Black Sea Synergy and, most recently, the Eastern

Joint Statement Concerning Forthcoming Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Moldova.

We, the Heads of Missions of EU Member States, the Delegation of the European Commission and the European Union Special Representative's office residing in...

Russia in Moldova: A Counter-Example to Ukraine and Georgia? Vladimir Socor. Eurasia Daily Monitor

Russia and Moldova are exploring a possible settlement of the Transnistria conflict on a bilateral basis, outside the international 5 + 2 format. Russia is the initiator of this approach, pulling a reluctant but still hopeful Moldova along. The Russian-desired outcome would: reunify Moldova nominally, albeit under Russian oversight; show that Russia can single-handedly settle a frozen” conflict in Europes East, marginalizing the Euro-Atlantic community in the EUs own neighborhood; and demonstrate that countries such as Moldova that do not seek to join NATO can hope for a more lenient Russian treatment, unlike Georgia and Ukraine, which Russia threatens to dismember or partition if they progress toward NATO membership.

”Who’s Next? The Russian Initiative in Moldova”. Statement by Ambassador William H. Hill at...

With respect to Moldova in 2008, the absence of a solution to the Transnistrian question will be better than a bad solution that cripples the country's chances for reform and integration into Europe as a whole. For any settlement to succeed, Russia must be a part - but so must the rest of Europe and the North Atlantic community, i.e. the EU and US.