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APE staff


Reformation process in Moldova can be faster than now, European official. Info-Prim Neo. 04.02.2013.

The reformation process in Moldova can be faster than now, considers the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova DirkSchuebel. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, the ambassador said he hopes very much that the debates inside the Alliance for European Integration will not hamper the continuation of reforms and their implementation can be even accelerated.

EUBAM joint border control operation deemed success. EU Neighbourhood Info. 24.01.2013

A Joint Border Control Operation (JBCO) codenamed PODOLIA recently carried out on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border by the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) has been deemed a success. The results of the operation (conducted at key locations last autumn) were assessed at EUBAM headquarters in Odessa on 22 January by representatives from Interpol, Europol, and EUBAMs partner services in Moldova and Ukraine, an EUBAM press release said.

Victor Chirila: How Civil Society is Working to Thaw Frozen Conflicts” in Eurasia. Open...

Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh are so-called frozen conflicts” of the Eastern Partnership, a grouping which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. These conflicts represent a serious challenge to the security, stability, and prosperity of the Eastern Partnership countries. The last 20 years have proven that their resolution cannot be achieved by using military force. On the contrary, their future settlement needs a complex approach that would involve not only political negotiation, but also civil society dialogues, confidence and partnership building and reconciliation. That approach has become the official policy of Moldovan authorities with regard to the Transnistrian conflict. Yet, it has gained modest ground in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh, where the main political actors are in a deadlock.

APE Activity Report – 2012

APE Activity Report - 2012

Victor Chirila: Will Prime Minister Filat fly to the Moon? Moscow and Tiraspol want...

When asked about the prospects of settling the Transnistrian issue, Prime Minister Filat states each time that he is ready to fly to the moon if this is what it takes to achieve Moldovas reintegration. Does Mr. Filat want to repeat the adventures of Baron Munchhausen? Certainly not, the Prime Minister is an experienced, pragmatic and rational politician and not at all an adventurer. Speaking metaphorically, he wants to assure us that in order to solve this conflict he is decided to do everything in his power.

Rosian Vasiloi, State Border Management – achievements and challenges in the context of implementing...

Project APE-BTD: Civic Monitoring on the implementation of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan with the European Union”

Corneliu Gurin: Authorities must show political will in promoting reforms. Info-Prim Neo. 30.10.2012.

Moldovan authorities are progressing well in applying the action Plan regarding the liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union, yet there are some debts. The authorities must show political will and capacities in promoting reforms, underlines Corneliu Gurin, legal expert at the Association for Participative Democracy ADEPT.

Victor Chirila: Moldova should overcome a number of obstacles impeding UE integrations. Info-Prim Neo....

While Moldova's objective to join the European Union one day is realistic, our country has to overcome a number of obstacles and challenges that could impede its achievement. This opinion was voiced at the EU-Moldova Forum in Berlin, and discussed on Monday in Chisinau at a Press Club meeting of the Foreign Policy Association.

Stefan Fule speech: EU-Moldova Forum organised by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik / Berlin,...

It may well be a historic challenge. What we need is goodwill backed by a well-balanced sense of self-interest. Our current negotiations show how similar the European Union and Moldova are in that respect. Can I therefore conclude with a reference to the Treaty on the European Union, whose Article 49 shows us the way forward: Any European State which respects the European values and is committed to promoting them may apply to become a member of the Union.”

Alexandru Baltag, The impact of the Republic of Moldovas accession to the European Energy...

The Foreign Policy Association together with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung would like to present a study on The impact of the Republic of Moldovas accession to the European Energy Community on the domestic energy security sector, elaborated in the framework of the project Foreign Policy and European Integration Synthesis and Debates”. The Present paper was written by Alexandru Baltag, expert in energy security field.

APE Press release, EU și Republic of Moldova Forum, October 22-23, 2012

The Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (Asociația pentru Politică externă) in partnership with the German-Moldovan Forum (Deutsch-Moldauisches Forum e.V.) and the Institute for Eastern Studies in Warsaw (Fundacja Instytut Studiów Wschodnich) organized in Berlin, in the period October 22-23, 2012 the second edition of the EU și Republic of Moldova Forum. Co-organizers of the event were the German și Moldovan Forum in Berlin and the German și Moldovan Forum in Chisinau.

Ion Schidu: Implementing the anti-discrimination law in the liberalization of the visa regime with...


Eugen Revenco: Reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) in the context of...

This paper was presented at the EU - Republic of Moldova Forum in Berlin, organized on 22-23 October 2012.

Corneliu Gurin: Anti-corruption reforms in the context of the visa liberalization dialogue with the...

This paper was presented at the EU - Republic of Moldova Forum in Berlin, organized on 22-23 October 2012.

Viorel Chivriga: The Evolution of Economic Reforms in the Republic of Moldova: 2011 și...

This paper was presented at the EU - Republic of Moldova Forum in Berlin, organized on 22-23 October 2012.

Victoria Bucătaru: Moldova and European Union: from cooperation to integration (2011-2012)

This paper was presented at the EU - Republic of Moldova Forum in Berlin, organized on 22-23 October 2012

Radu Vrabie: Transnistrian Settlement: 2011 și 2012

This paper was presented at the EU - Republic of Moldova Forum in Berlin, organized on 22-23 October 2012.