Monday, July 22, 2024

Newsletter, December 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION:  1. Claus Neukirch, Head of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Moldova: “Perspectives always exist, so, let’s be constructive and optimistic” 2. Editorial by Victoria Bucătaru, Foreign Policy Association: “The chain...

Newsletter, December 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Iurie Leancă, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova: “We are trying to re-consolidate the relationship, keep the dance and even harmonize again our steps with the EU” 2....

Newsletter, November 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova: ”In the feld of foreign policy, I will insist on balance in the relatons with the West and the East” 2. Editorial...

Newsletter, October 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Tatiana Molcean, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova: ”In order to be economically and politically competitive, we should be present also in seemingly irrelevant...

Newsletter, September 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Eugen Sturza, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova: The National Army reform means, above all, the qualitative change of people, not just equipment and technology 2. Valeriu Mija,...

Newsletter, August 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Dumitru Diacov, honourable chairman of the Democratc Party of Moldova: For many years to come, both Moscow and Bucharest and other powers will be having interests here 2. Editorial by Victoria Bucătaru,...

Newsletter, June 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Ambassador Thomas Buchsbaum, Special Representative for the Eastern Partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria: “The EU that protects”, this is our moto for the next half year 2. Igor...

Newsletter, June, 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The relatonship with the European Union cannot be judged only in black and white. Tudor Ulianovschi, minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration 2. Editorial: European aspirations, from promises to reality....

Newsletter, April 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Editorial by Vlad Lupan: “Temporary tactc of the Transnistrian conflict” 2. Dumitru Mînzarari: “This format designed when we were alone in the face of Russia is a compromise” 3. Opinion of politcal...

Newsletter, March 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The European Assistance for the Republic of Moldova. Head of the EU Delegaton to Chişinău, Peter Michalko: The conditons agreed with the EU should be fulflled 2. A Victory à la Pirus....

Newsletter, December 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Christoph Speckbacher (GRECO): Discussions about the transparency of party funding are limiting the risk of state capture 2. Jacopo Leone (OSCE/ODIHR): There exist loopeholes in the Moldovan legislation when it comes...

Newsletter, December, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The fifth edition of the Moldovan Annual European Integration Debate Forum: 2. Assessing the progress in the implementation of the Association Agreement and of the commitments of the Republic of Moldova...

Newsletter November, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Johannes Hahn: Currently the openness for further extension in the EU is not very high, but I’m prety sure this can be changed; 2. Cecilia Malmstrom: There is a lot of...

Newsletter October, 2017, nr.9

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. MACRO 2017 Conference – Moldova 2030 in Europe 2030 2. Martn Hutsebaut, ex-expert with ETUC: The future of this country will be built by the younger generation with the help of...

Newsletter October, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Roundtable in Chisinau dedicated to the Moldovan-Ukrainian relationship. Opinions of Ukrainian and Moldovan diplomats. 2. Serghei Gherasimciuk: At the high level, there is a lack of confidence between Chisinau and Kiev 3....

Newsletter September, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. European messages for the Republic of Moldova. Conclusions formulated by the Head of the EU Delegaton to Chisinau, Pirkka Tapiola, at the end of his term 2. Dionis Cenușa: The pro-European government...

Newsletter July, 2017 nr.6

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Arcadie Barbarosie: Power has seen an enemy in civil society organizatons 2. Lilia Carasciuc: Controlling the civil society is a clear way towards a dictatorial regime 3. Andrei Brighidin: More than 90...

Newsletter June, 2017 nr.5

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Natalia Albu: External threats are fueled by vulnerability within the state - by poor governance 2. Ion Tăbârţă: Moldovan politcal actors exploit security threats in order to obtain electoral and economic...

Neswletter May, 2017 nr.4

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. How is the Republic of Moldova handling the issue of the Gagauz autonomy? Mindaugas Kacerauskis: Gagauzia can serve as a positive example for Transnistria in the regulatory process. 2. Elena Bacalu:...

Newsletter April 2017 nr.3

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Sergiu Sîrbu, co-author of the draft law on the change of the electoral system and vice-chairman of PDM: The vast majority of citizens are asking for the change of the...