Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.12 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Politcal reformatng in Chisinau – an alternative to the current political class? 2. Veaceslav Negruță: With the appearance of new political leaders there is more optimism for a healthy alternative to...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.11 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The fight against corruption and the judicial reform – are these objectves achievable in Moldova? Laura Ștefan: If citizens don’t demand changes from the political class, the changes will not...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.10 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. European Integration Debate Forum: What are the solutions to the current political challenges? Natalia Gherman: Political instability is the main obstacle on the way toward European integraton. 2. Andrian Candu: I...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.9 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Propaganda – informaton or weapon? Alex Grigorievs: I am afraid for Moldova 2. Valeriu Vasilică: Underdevelopment of journalism can generate much bigger problems for the future of Moldova 3. Dunja Mijatović: Challenges...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.8 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. MACRO-2015: Fostering economic and social security. Adrian Lupușor, executve director of the Independent Analytcal Centre “ExpertGrup”: Moldova is facing most serious economic security challenges since 1991 2. David Dalton, the Economist...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.7 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Moldova seen by European partners one year since the signing of the Associaton Agreement. Stefan Meister: It’s a frustraton, but at the same tme, an awareness of the Moldovan politcal realites 2....

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.6 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The EU Eastern Neighbourhood – where to? Victor Chirilă: Republic of Moldova has benefted greatly from the EU offers coming through the Eastern Partnership 2. Stanislav Secrieru: If we look at the...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.5 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. „The EU and the East in 2030”. A new FES report is trying to antcipate possible developments in future relatons between the EU, Russia and the Eastern Partnership. 2. How Moldovan experts...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.4 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Unprecedented decrease in the support for the European integraton. The causes and consequences analysed by the director of the Public Policy Insttute, Arcadie Barbaroşie. 2. To change things, we need to...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.3 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Re-launching of the Chisinau-Tiraspol dialogue. Victor Osipov: Discussions at all levels must be resumed, but the Transnistrian conflict setlement is a long-term task. 2. Vladimir Iastrebciak: Discussions on extending the free...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.2 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The minority government in Chisinau established with the vote of the Party of Communists. Ex-Prime-Minister Iurie Leanca quits PLDM and announces creation of a new political project. 2. Priorities of the...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.1 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Minority coaliton in Chisinau. Victor Chirilă, executve director of the Foreign Policy Associaton: A minority government can be blackmailed and is at the mercy of the oppositon party. 2. Cornel Ciurea,...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.11 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. 2014 - The first steps on the long road towards the European integration. Nicu Popescu: In 2014, Moldova dropped the anchor that will keep it on the European path 2. Viorel...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.10 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. What expectations from the parliamentary elections did the Moldovan diaspora have? Ana Păun, president of the “Casa Mare” Associaton, Italy: In order to bring Europe to Moldova, the government and...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.9 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Parliamentary electons in the Republic of Moldova. Sergiu Ostaf, executive director of the Resource Center for Human Rights (CREDO): We need an intelligent support from the development partners which would...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.8 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. MACRO Conference 2014 at its second editon. The director of the Expert-Grup, Adrian Lupușor: The state of the country report reveals a slowdown in the economic growth in 2014. 2. The...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.7 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Annual European Integraton Debate Forum at its second editon. The frst achievements and challenges in the implementaton of the Associaton Agreement with the EU as viewed by the decision-makers from...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, November 2013, NR.8 (93)

Topics of the edition: 1. Opinions expressed by the leaders of the political parties represented in the parliament on the significance for the Republic of Moldova of the Vilnius EaP Summit from November 28-29. Interviews with Valeriu Streleț (PLDM), Marian Lupu (PDM), Ana Guțu (PLR), Valeriu Munteanu (PL), Mihai Godea (CAD), Dmitrii Petrenco (PCRM), Igor Dodon (PSRM). 2. Association Agreement with the EU: a historic chance for Moldova. An editorial by the executive director of the Foreign Policy Association, Victor Chirila.

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, September 2013, NR.7 (92)

Topics of the edition: 1. The new head of the EU Delegation to Chisinau, Pirkka Tapiola, speaks about the priorities of his mandate and the perspectives of the Moldova-EU relations. 2. Is Chisinau ready for the EaP Summit in Vilnius? An interview with the deputy foreign minister Iulian Groza. 3. European Integration șinational idea or electoral crock? An editorial by the executive director of the Foreign Policy Association, Victor Chirilă. 4. Director of ESTEP Lithuania, Klaudijus Maniokas, says that signature of the AAs between EU and Moldova and Ukraine is a geopolitical issue and that not even after Vilnius Russia will renounce its pressure.

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, August 2013, NR.6 (91)

Topics of the edition: 1. On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova, the construction works of the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline have been launched. The pipeline will interconnect the national gas system to the European one. Statements by the Prime Ministers Iurie Leanca and Victor Ponta and by the European Commissioner for Energy, Gunther Oettinger. An interview with the vice prime-minister, minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar. 2.Russian Ambassador to Chisinau, Farit Muhametshin, minimises the importance of the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline and warns that initialling of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and EU will make it difficult for the Moldovan-Russian commercial relations. 3. Why is Rogozin visiting again the Republic of Moldova? An editorial signed by the director of the Foreign Policy Association, Victor Chirila. 4. The experts Corneliu Ciurea and Alexandru Fala about the economic and political implications of the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline project.