Friday, March 14, 2025

Statement by the Civil Society Representatives on the commitments made by the President of...

Statement by the Civil Society Representatives on the commitments made by the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, in Moscow On January 17-18, while paying an official visit to Moscow, Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of...

Newsletter nr.10. Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates

The Newsletter is based on the radio programme broadcast on November 21st, 2016, produced by the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). The programme is broadcast on the Radio Moldova public channel. The programme is part of the FES/APE European Integration and Foreign Policy Dialogues” Project. The content can be reproduced by mentioning the source. Materials can be taken without restriction but with the mentioning of the source

Frontiers of Democracy – Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine.

Moldova and Ukraine, countries of the European Union's Eastern Partnership program, are undergoing complex processes of democratic transformation, but with weak embeddedness of democratic values and principles drawbacks can occur. It is embeddedness that helps to overcome the challenges of transformation and pushes countries beyond mere frontiers of democracy towards becoming strongly committed democratic communities. The goal of this project is to facilitate embedding democratic values in the societal ethos, and thus to contribute to future successful consolidation in Moldova and Ukraine

Declaration of the Civil Society regarding the Red lines of the Transnistrian Settlement Chisinau,...

Declaration of the Civil Society regarding the Red lines of the Transnistrian Settlement Chisinau, August 21st, 2016 Recognizing the importance of sustainable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict through dialogue and political negotiations; Appreciating the efforts of the European...

Counsil of the European Union:Joint Press Release following the second Association Council meeting between...

The European Union and the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter "Moldova) held today the second meeting of the Association Council under the Association Agreement. The EU and Moldova reconfirmed the common determination to implement their commitments to strengthening Moldova´s political association and economic integration with the EU.

Press Release, Communicating Europe” task force group meeting, Chisinau, December 10, 2015

In September 2015, the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova in partnership with Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies (Poland), Center for EU Enlargement Studies (Hungary), Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia), Association of International Affairs (Czech Republic), the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (Georgia), the Institute of World Policy and the financial support of the Visegrad Fund has launched a new project entitled V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and DCFTA” .

EU and Council of Europe to Boost Cooperation in Eastern Partnership Region. Visa- Free...

The Council of Europe and the European Commission have signed a new cooperation agreement to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law in six Eastern European countries.

European Commission’s support to the Republic of Moldova. EU MONITOR, 15.05.2014.

European Commission's support to the Republic of Moldova The European Commission has met today the government of the Republic of Moldova, led by Prime Minister Leancă. The meeting took stock of the latest developments in the Republic of Moldova, addressed both sides preparations to ensure that the future EU-Moldova Association Agreement delivers growth and stability up to its full potential, and reviewed the state of play with key reforms in Moldovas justice sector, business environment and energy relations.

Application open, Tbilisi Transformational Leadership Forum!!!

To be Launched in the first week of June 2014, the Tbilisi Transformational Leadership Forum (TTLF) is a 5-day lecture series that is hosted By the Georgian Institute of Strategic Studies (GISS) in Tbilisi, Georgia and is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

Statement of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum on Russian military intervention in Ukraine. 04.03.3014.

EU should apply maximum diplomatic pressure on Russia to immediately withdraw military forces from Ukraine, and join with US to isolate Russia through tough trade sanctions if Russia does not comply

Statement of the Foreign Policy Association (APE) on condemning the Russian Federation Military aggression...

The Foreign Policy Association (APE) condemns firmly the armed attack of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, which represents a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our neighbor country.

WEASA 2014 EDITION: Call for Participants

The College of Europe, Natolin Campus with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and the Polish American Freedom Foundation are pleased to launch a call for participants for the second edition of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA). The main objectives of the Academy are presenting the political, social and economic foundations of modern democracies in the European Union and the transatlantic community and promoting them in the Eastern European countries.

Transnistrian Dialogues, Newsletter, October 2013, no. 01.

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The head of the EU delegation to Chisinau, Pirkka Tapiola, congratulates the Moldovan authorities on the opening of the offices of the Bureau on Migration and Asylum along the river Nistru in a way which takes into account the interests of the Transnistrian population and enables the control of migration on the Transnistrian segment of the Moldovan șiUkrainian border. 2. Vice-prime minister for Reintegration, Eugen Carpov, says that the new territorial offices will improve the freedom of movement on the Nistru. 3. Opening of the offices of the Bureau on Migration and Asylum along the river Nistru has been severely criticised by Tiraspol. The Tiraspol ex-chief negotiator, Vladimir Iastrebciak, explains the point of view of the representatives of the Transnistrian administration. 4. Nicu Popescu, expert at the European Institute for Security Studies from Paris, analyses why the Tiraspol concerns on the negative impact have no ground.

Pressure exerted by Russia on Eastern Partnership countries (in the context of the upcoming...

European Parliament resolution of 12 September 2013 on the pressure exerted by Russia on Eastern Partnership countries (in the context of the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius) (2013/2826(RSP))