Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Economic Forum EU-Moldova, 29-31 of March, 2011

The Institute for Eastern Studies and the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova are organizing the EU și Moldova Forum to be held 29 și 31st March 2011 in Chisinau, under the Honorary Patronage of Mr Vlad Filat, the Prime Minister of Moldova and Mr Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister of Poland. The first EU și Moldova Forum will serve as a good opportunity to exchange the ideas, share experience and discuss the future projects. For more information please vizit the website:, The agenda is attached

Victor Chirila: EU needs new formula to provide assistance to Transnistrian region. Info-Prim Neo....

The visit by Baroness Catherine Ashton will have a positive impact on the three main objectives of the official Chisinau, namely the negotiation of the Association Agreement, liberalization of the visa regime, and creation of a deep and comprehensive free trade area with the EU,” executive director of the Foreign Policy Association Victor Chirila said in a meeting of the press club centering on the effects of the visits paid by high-ranking foreign officials to Chisinau.

Victor Chirila: Joe Biden’s visit can remain merely symbolical if Moldova doesn’t act. Info-Prim...

Victor Chirila, the director of the Foreign Policy Association, stated at a press club on Monday that the effects of the US Vice President Joe Biden's visit, considered to be symbolical by the Moldovan government, could be ephemeral if Moldova fails to act to fully achieve national strategic goals like European integration and resolution of the Transnistrian conflict.

APE Press Release. 25.01.2011.

The Foreign Policy Association regrets that its name was mentioned in an inappropriate context in the article Transnistria 'zombies' stake their future on Russia, not EU”, published by Andrew Rettman on EUobserver website on 24 January 2011. Moreover, we have to mention that APE doesnt use such words when speaking about people who leave on the left side of the Nistru River and the comments of the APE representative, quoted in the initial version of the article were false and taken out of context.

A Lithuanias invitation, a group of students from Moldova took part in the inaugural...

At the invitation of Lithuania that assumed the Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), a group of students from Moldova paid a visit to Vienna on 12-13 January. They met with representatives of the delegation of Lithuanias Chairmanship in Vienna, the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media.

Press release APE, Victor Chirila: Republic of Moldova’s foreign policy under the aegis of...

During the first year of Alliance for European Integration government, Republic of Moldova's foreign policy has been characterized by dynamism, initiative, intelligence and consistency. Moldovan diplomacy has able to capitalize effectively on the unified and strong political will expressed by the AEI in the area of European integration and to make the maximum out of the openness and confidence expressed by the EU and its Member States to the new democratic and pro-European government in Chișinău.

Moldova signs the Energy Community accession protocol. Interlic. 17.03.2010.

This morning, 17.03.2010 Valeriu Lazar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, and Fatmir Besimi, Minister of Economy of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in his function as the Energy Community Presidency in Office, signed a protocol on the accession of Republic of Moldova to the Energy Community.

On 13-16 of January 2009 Foreign Policy Association organizes the visit to Chishinau of...

The expert invited by FPA in the framework of the Moldova-European Union: learning from the integration experience of the new member states” is Mr. Pavel Telicka, former Chief Negotiator of the Czech Republic with EU, first Czech European Commissioner in Prodis cabinet. Mr Telicka will come to Chisinau on 13-16 January, 2009. There will be organized a series of meetings and discussions with senior officials, european coordinators” in line ministries, civil society leaders, other national experts in EU affairs, university professors, students etc.

Cooperation Council between the EU and the Republic of Moldova. Swedish Presidency of the...

The eleventh meeting of the EU-Republic of Moldova Cooperation Council was held in Brussels today, 21.12.2009 chaired by Moldova's Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Sweden's State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Frank Belfrage representing the EU Presidency. Discussions at the meeting focused on the ongoing development of relations between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, political developments in Moldova and, over a working lunch, efforts to achieve a sustainable settlement of the frozen conflict regarding the Transnistrian region. The meeting adopted a Joint Statement.

The visit of Petro Poroshenko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to Moldova. Ministry...

On December 17, 2009 Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko started his working visit to the Republic of Moldova during which he held bilateral meetings with the Prime-Minister Vlad Filat and the Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Iurie Leanca.