Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meeting with Ukrainian refugees within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering...

On November 24, 2022, in the premises of the Foreign Policy Association (APE) a meeting was held with representatives of Ukrainian refugees from the Republic of Moldova. At the event, people originating from different regions...

Consultation session within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid...

On November 16, 2022, in the premises of the Association for Foreign Policy (APE), took place the third consultation session with representatives of state institutions, civil society and the media, which had as topics...

Consultation sessions within the project „Contribution of the Civil Society to Countering New Hybrid...

On November 9 and 10, 2022, in the premises of the Association for Foreign Policy (APE), a series of consultations were launched with representatives of state institutions, civil society and the media, which had...

Наталья Стеркул: Важность минимизации рисков информационной безопасности в условиях новой волны гибридных угроз в...

Гибридные угрозы как неотъемлемая часть полномасштабной войны России против Украины приобретают новые все более изощренные формы диверсионных действий. Диапазон применения гибридных тактик и стратегий стремительно расширяется. Республика Молдова будучи соседним с Украиной государством окунулась...

What Difference Can the European Political Community Make? What to expect from the European...

What difference can the European Political Community make? On 6 and 7 October, the first European Political Community event will take place in Prague. The meeting will host 44 leaders of European countries including Britain,...

Natalia Stercul for Visegrad Insight: What Difference Can the European Political Community Make?

Rising authoritarianism has contributed to a context that has made the unprovoked Russian full-scale war against Ukraine possible. Coupled with gradual democratic erosion around the world, an exceptional threat is being posed to the...

Natalia Stercul: Traffic on the common route

ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTING EU CONDITIONS AS A NEW STEP ON THE WAY TO THE EUROPEAN FUTURE OF MOLDOVA After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, on February 28, 2022, the Ukrainian authorities submitted an application...

Natalia Stercul: Moldova’s reaction on the Russian full-scale war against Ukraine and its consequences

MOLDOVA’S REACTION ON THE RUSSIAN FULL-SCALE WAR AGAINST UKRAINE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES Natalia Stercul Foreign Policy Association Abstract Russia’s war in Ukraine has been an exceptional threat to the European security architecture, and a peaceful and democratic development...

APE has a new Executive Director!

Dear Colleagues, We are glad to inform you that following the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association for Foreign Policy, on July 11, 2022, Ms. Natalia Stercul was appointed as Executive Director...

Альтернатива TV8 / Гости: Наталья Стеркул, Владислав Кульминский

Наталья Стеркул, эксперт Ассоциации по внешней политике Молдовы, в программе Альтертанива телеканала TV8, о визит Майи Санду в Киеве, о том что решится на саммите НАТО, о ситуации в Приднестровье и перспективах Республики Молдовы...

APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security #6

On February 9, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the sixth edition of the online analytical show APE Live: Dialogues on Foreign Policy, European Integration and Security. The topic of discussion was focused on...

Ludmila Nofit: Challenges and prospects for the cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and...

The Editorial release “Views on the Future of Europe from the EU’s Neighbouring Countries”, initiated by the European Institute of Romania, gathered the contributions of 23 experts from the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia...

President Maia Sandu, together with the leaders of the EAP and EU countries, adopted...

On 15 December 2021, together with the Presidents and Government of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine, the leaders of the EU Member States and the representatives of the European Union institutions, the President of...

Victoria Roșa in LATO Interview Series #9

Many European Union Eastern partnership countries are striving for development and moving closer to the European Union. Nevertheless, they are facing many challenges because of the necessary reforms, popular support, and external and internal...

Школа Speranța объявляет о продлении крайнего срока подачи заявок до 3 сентября

Школа Speranța объявляет о продлении крайнего срока подачи заявок до 3 сентября, чтобы дать возможность всем желающим подать заявку. Школа молодых женщин-лидерок на обоих берегах Днестра - это проект для молодых женщин-профессионалок, которые проявляют интерес...

НАДЕЖДА – Школа молодых женщин-лидерок на обоих берегах Днестра

Школа молодых женщин-лидерок на обоих берегах Днестра - это проект для молодых женщин-профессионалок, которые проявляют интерес к лидерству и заинтересованы в развитии лидерских навыков и продвижении своей профессиональной карьеры. Цели программы - обучить участниц...

APE director: They speculate about external threats, but ignore internal ones

In the Republic of Moldova, there is a tendency to speak about the threats coming from outside, like the Russian Federation, for example, but ignore the internal threats, said Victoria Bucataru, executive director of...

U.S. Department of State’s comment on invalidation of elections was harsh, expert

The U.S. Department of State’s comment on the invalidation of the Chisinau early mayoral elections was prompt and very harsh and referred directly to the problems existing in the case law system of the...

Moldova-U.S. relations: lost opportunities and potential perspectives

The relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United States of America can be analyzed in the context of the interaction between a superpower and a small state. After the Republic of Moldova...