Friday, March 28, 2025

Newsletter, January 2019

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. HE Daniel Ioniță, Romanian Ambassador to Chisinau: “I wish the principles and values governing the common policies of the European Union irradiate positively also in the Republic of Moldova” 2. Editorial by...

Newsletter, December 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION:  1. Claus Neukirch, Head of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Moldova: “Perspectives always exist, so, let’s be constructive and optimistic” 2. Editorial by Victoria Bucătaru, Foreign Policy Association: “The chain...

Newsletter, December 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Iurie Leancă, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova: “We are trying to re-consolidate the relationship, keep the dance and even harmonize again our steps with the EU” 2....

Newsletter, November 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova: ”In the feld of foreign policy, I will insist on balance in the relatons with the West and the East” 2. Editorial...

Newsletter, October 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Tatiana Molcean, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova: ”In order to be economically and politically competitive, we should be present also in seemingly irrelevant...

Newsletter, September 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Eugen Sturza, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova: The National Army reform means, above all, the qualitative change of people, not just equipment and technology 2. Valeriu Mija,...

Newsletter, August 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Dumitru Diacov, honourable chairman of the Democratc Party of Moldova: For many years to come, both Moscow and Bucharest and other powers will be having interests here 2. Editorial by Victoria Bucătaru,...

Newsletter, June 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Ambassador Thomas Buchsbaum, Special Representative for the Eastern Partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria: “The EU that protects”, this is our moto for the next half year 2. Igor...

Newsletter, June, 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The relatonship with the European Union cannot be judged only in black and white. Tudor Ulianovschi, minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration 2. Editorial: European aspirations, from promises to reality....

Newsletter, April 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Editorial by Vlad Lupan: “Temporary tactc of the Transnistrian conflict” 2. Dumitru Mînzarari: “This format designed when we were alone in the face of Russia is a compromise” 3. Opinion of politcal...

Newsletter, March 2018

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The European Assistance for the Republic of Moldova. Head of the EU Delegaton to Chişinău, Peter Michalko: The conditons agreed with the EU should be fulflled 2. A Victory à la Pirus....

Newsletter, December 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Christoph Speckbacher (GRECO): Discussions about the transparency of party funding are limiting the risk of state capture 2. Jacopo Leone (OSCE/ODIHR): There exist loopeholes in the Moldovan legislation when it comes...

Newsletter, December, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The fifth edition of the Moldovan Annual European Integration Debate Forum: 2. Assessing the progress in the implementation of the Association Agreement and of the commitments of the Republic of Moldova...

Newsletter November, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Johannes Hahn: Currently the openness for further extension in the EU is not very high, but I’m prety sure this can be changed; 2. Cecilia Malmstrom: There is a lot of...

Newsletter October, 2017, nr.9

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. MACRO 2017 Conference – Moldova 2030 in Europe 2030 2. Martn Hutsebaut, ex-expert with ETUC: The future of this country will be built by the younger generation with the help of...

Newsletter October, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Roundtable in Chisinau dedicated to the Moldovan-Ukrainian relationship. Opinions of Ukrainian and Moldovan diplomats. 2. Serghei Gherasimciuk: At the high level, there is a lack of confidence between Chisinau and Kiev 3....

Newsletter September, 2017

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. European messages for the Republic of Moldova. Conclusions formulated by the Head of the EU Delegaton to Chisinau, Pirkka Tapiola, at the end of his term 2. Dionis Cenușa: The pro-European government...

Newsletter July, 2017 nr.6

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Arcadie Barbarosie: Power has seen an enemy in civil society organizatons 2. Lilia Carasciuc: Controlling the civil society is a clear way towards a dictatorial regime 3. Andrei Brighidin: More than 90...

Newsletter June, 2017 nr.5

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Natalia Albu: External threats are fueled by vulnerability within the state - by poor governance 2. Ion Tăbârţă: Moldovan politcal actors exploit security threats in order to obtain electoral and economic...