Friday, March 28, 2025

Natalia Stercul | Relations between Poland and Moldova: trends in the development of politico-military...

Current bilateral relations between Moldova and Poland are characterized by a shift towards political and military cooperation. This is caused by a number of external and internal factors resulting from the need to seek...

Compendium of Polish Aid for Moldova

Moldova is a country that has adopted a consistent pro-Western course for several years. Reforms are being implemented to overcome developmental delays and enable European integration, as well as to overcome the economy's dependence...

Октавиан Милевски, Наталья Стеркул | Состояние игры: Польша – Молдова, Варшавский Институт Предпринимательства (WEI)

Варшавский Институт Предпринимательства (WEI) представляет "The State of the Game" - серию публикаций об экономическом сотрудничестве Польши со странами, не входящими в ЕС. Публикации State of the Game состоят из двух частей. В первой...

Summary: The new wave of hybrid challenges in the Republic of Moldova as a...

Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) brings in your attention a summary document, entitled: "The new wave of hybrid challenges in the Republic of Moldova as a response to the refugee crisis", prepared by...

Наталья Стеркул: Республика Молдова в условиях новых вызовов: меры реагирования на кризис беженцев

Ушедший 2022 год стал началом периода радикальных драматических изменений для многих государств, вызванных жестокой и неоправданной войной России против Украины. Катастрофические последствия этой войны навсегда изменили привычный уклад жизни украинских граждан и жителей соседних...

Думитру Пелин: Регулирование кризиса украинских беженцев на севере Республики Молдова

Спустя почти год после начала русско-украинской войны, за которой последовал миграционный и энергетический кризис, жители севера Республики Молдова остаются уязвимыми перед манипуляциями, фейковыми новостями и пропагандой. В первые месяцы после начала катастрофы, вызванной Кремлем,...

Виталие Гуцу, Ирина Табарану: Регулирование кризиса украинских беженцев в приднестровском регионе и населенных пунктах...

Год назад весь мир пережил новый поворот, новый ход вещей, который был порожден агрессией Российской Федерации в отношении Украины. На протяжении всех 12 месяцев, начиная с 24 февраля 2022 года, все субъекты местной/ региональной/...

Игорь Гусейнов, Валентина Каледжи-Погирк: Основные проблемы функционирования механизма регулирования кризиса беженцев в АТО Гагаузия

Не успев восстановиться после беспрецедентных вызовов XXI века, связанных с пандемией, Республика Молдова столкнулась с еще более сложными и непредсказуемыми трудностями. Вооруженный конфликт на Украине взбудоражил весь мир, создавая глобальные глубокие экономические, социальные и...

Natalia Stercul: The Black Sea Region as a Zone of Irreconcilable Strategic Interests

Abstract: The expansion of Russia’s Black Sea security presence over the last decade and the modernization of its armed forces are part of a long-term strategy by Moscow to assert control across the region....

Victoria Roșa: The Transnistrian Conflict: 30 Years Searching for a Settlement

Dear colleagues, we have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar entitled: "The Transnistrian conflict: 30 Years looking for a settlement", organised by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska Institutet) and moderated...

Laura Zghibarta: Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova after the 2020 Presidential Elections:...

Laura Zghibarta Foreign Policy Association of Moldova April 2021 Summary: The 2020 presidential elections in Moldova have triggered the reconfiguration of the country’s domestic and foreign policies, which now seek to break out the country’s international isolation,...

Presentation of the policy brief: “New challenges and opportunities for resetting Moldova-Ukraine relations after...

On 27 May Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) organized the special edition of online analytical debates APE Policy Paper Presentation: «New challenges and opportunities for resetting Moldova-Ukraine relations after the presidential elections in...

Alla Roșca: The National Interest and Foreign Policy of the United States and the...

Dr. Alla Roșca, Associated Expert of Foreign Policy Association of Moldova Chisinau, Moldova, January 2021 Summary • The elections of Joseph Biden and Maia Sandu as presidents of the United States and the Republic of Moldova represent...

Study: “Youth employment solutions – the impact by civil society in Ukraine, Moldova and...

On October 30, 2020, APE expert Victoria Roșa presented the results of the study: “Youth employment solutions - the impact by civil society in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia”, directly referring to the case of the...

RESEARCH – Coronavirus crush test: Disinformation Resilience of the EaP states and Romania

The study presents an overview of the COVID-19 related actions and communication strategies, as well as disinformation narratives in the six Eastern Partnership states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and Romania. This...

SUMMARY – Coronavirus crush test: Disinformation Resilience of the EaP states and Romania

Summary The study presents an overview of the COVID-19 related actions and communication strategies, as well as disinformation narratives in the six Eastern Partnership states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and Romania. This...

Black Sea Security Analytical Journal, no. 1 (37) 2020. Security Issues of the Republic...

Focus on: Russian Hybression in the Black Sea Natalia Stercul, APE Program Director "SECURITY ISSUES OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA IN THE CONTEXT OF MILITARIZATION OF THE BLACK SEA REGION"* The increasing militarization of the Black Sea...

EASTERN EUROPEAN #FUTURES. Scenarios for the Eastern Partnership 2030

"As the Eastern Partnership has entered its second decade, challenging questions remain and arise as to the future of Eastern Europe. For this reason, the EU and its partners have undertaken a comprehensive review...

A policy brief on the foreign policy evolution of the Republic of Moldova during...

The study "A policy brief on the foreign policy evolution of the Republic of Moldova during the period of 2009-2019" was elaborated within the project “The Moldovan foreign policy white book – The Evolution...

Dumitru Mînzărari: Domestic Decay and Remote Capture: The Compromising of Moldova’s Defense and Security

This analysis claims that the Republic of Moldova in particular, and the Eastern Europe in general, are facing an unobvious and new strain of Russian hybrid war. This obscure form of interstate aggression pioneered by Russia against its former satellites and the West, is deliberately designed to escape its timely detection by existing international law mechanisms. Therefore, the analysis points out that the process, widely labeled as hybrid war, is a model of stealthy political assimilation of new countries, as a modern replacement of territorial annexation. By focusing on the Republic of Moldova’s case, the analysis examines and reveals the nuances and particularities of this obscure form of Russian aggression. To do so, it elicits important dynamics of the Russian model of hybrid aggression. In turn, this allows to generalize this type of aggression, suggesting it became a typical and widely used war technology in Russia’s foreign policy against many countries. The only difference displayed by other European countries, in contrast to Moldova, is that they have specific levels of vulnerability, and thus trigger responses from Russia that are tailored to exploit that variation in their degrees of vulnerability.