Friday, March 7, 2025

Ludmila Nofit, Ștefan Josan: How the Association Agreement changed EU-Moldova relation. Where is Moldova...

This analytical study will assess the current EU-Moldova relationship, through the implementation of the AA/DCFTA. Using relevant criteria, the study will outline the major achievements during the implementation of the AA/DCFTA along with setbacks with a particular focus on the role of the Moldovan authorities and the extent to which they deviated from the commitment to pursue an ‘European path’. In addition, the document also explores the role of the European Union in the Transnistrian settlement process. More specifically, the paper will explore whether there is a role for the EU as a mediator rather than observer, and the implications of the DFCTA in the breakaway region (where it is partially implemented).

Elections 2019 in Moldova: New Challenges and new opportunities for cooperation within Ukraine-Moldova-Romania Triangle

Moldova is an important part of the intricate regional situation in the Black Sea region. Redefning Russia’s role by the states of the region, created the prerequisites for bringing together the positions of Ukraine...

Alla Rosca, APE Associated Expert: Republic of Moldova – United States Relations in the...

The Republic of Moldova and the United States of America relationship could be analyzed as interactions between a superpower and a small state, and the U.S.’ diplomacy in Chisinau has followed the same principle...

Islands of Cooperation

Almost three decades after the conclusion of the CSCE Charter of Paris for a New Europe (1990), an old, divided Europe seems to be back. The current vicious circles of mistrust and escalation dynamics,...

Propaganda made-to-measure: How our vulnerabilities facilitate Russian influence. Global Focus, Romania/ The Black Sea...

“The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must”, the Melian dialogue tells us, a classical case study of political realism; and states and societies from the United States to Eastern Europe...

Dumitru Mînzărari and Victoria Bucătaru: Transnistrian conflict resolution at 25th year of impasse: Causes,...

Dumitru MÎNZĂRARI, APE Associated Expert, PhD Candidate in political science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and Victoria BUCĂTARU, APE Executive Director. The body of policy and academic research on frozen conflicts in post-Soviet regions, in this instance the Transnistrian conflict,...

Stercul Natalia: Strategy of Relations between Neighbouring Countries: Scenario of the Republic of Moldova....

Stercul Natalia Program Director, Department of Eastern Studies: Ukraine and Russia Foreign Policy Association of the Republic of Moldova. Relations of the Republic of Moldova with the neighbouring countries are currently characterized by positive dynamics. It...

(RUS) Стеркул Наталья: Молдавско-российские отношения: позитивные и деструктивные тенденции двустороннего сотрудничества на современном этапе.

Стеркул Наталья Директор по программам, Департамент Восточных исследований: Украина и Россия. Ассоциация Внешней политики Республики Молдова  Молдавско-российские отношения, рассматриваемые сквозь призму стратегического партнерства, продолжают сохранять напряженность, несмотря на попытки сближения общих позиций по целому спектру...

(RUS)Стеркул Наталья: Молдавско-украинские отношения в контексте новых геополитических реалий.

Стеркул Наталья Директор по программам, Департамент Восточных исследований: Украина и Россия Ассоциация Внешней политики Республики Молдова. Основные изменения в молдавско-украинских отношениях в период 2014-2017 гг. обусловлены целым комплексом факторов, многие из которых характеризуются противоречивостью, усугубляют нестабильность внутреннего...

Comunicating Europe in a New Regional Security Context

Publication produced in the framework of the project “V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on Implementing AA and DCFTA led by the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova and financially supported by...

Frontiers of Democracy:Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits...

Democratization is a complex process that entails both critical choices of new institutions, and the rooting of those institutions in the societal ethos. Much of the literature on democratic transition, consolidation and Europeanization has been dominated by the study of legal and institutional crafting, especially concerning the post-communist and post-Soviet countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where not only political but also economic and social institutions had to be created in the process of the fundamental transformations taking place after 1989. However, the footprint of a healthy democracy cannot be measured only in terms of institutional performance. It has to also include citizens attitudes to and engagement with the new institutions, and, in fact, a general change of mentality that refl ects their attachment to the new system. It is peoples attachment to democratic values that may keep governments in check and preclude them from slipping toward populist and antidemocratic measures, when the possibility and temptation to reshape democratic institutions arise.

Corneiul Ciurea: Confidence-Building in Moldova: Domestic and External Security Challenges. EU/ CIPDD/ APE/ PIC...

Moldovas security requires a consistent response to home-grown corruption and the risk of resulting political destabilisation along side the risks posed by the Russia Ukraine conflict and information warfare. Confidence-Building in Moldova:Domestic and External Security Challenges assesses the priorities for a security strategy to rebuild trust among citizens and strengthen international co-operation to diffuse conflicts in the neighbourhood and to settle the Transnistria conflict.


The study is a result of the Capacity Building for Moldovan and Ukrainian NGOs to Assess the Economic Impact of Politically Motivated Actions project made possible by the re-granting mechanism of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, which includes assistance of the European Union and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Aid Coordination in Moldova: Politics Killing Policy

Leading up to the formation of Moldovas third government since elections a year ago, Chisinau faces not only political and macro-financial instability, but also suffers from a severe trust deficit in relations with external partners, some of which have suspended aid flows this year. If Moldova was once the most advanced Eastern Partnership state in terms of aid coordination, government ownership of the process has significantly weakened as a result of the protracted political crisis. Although donors continue to cooperate among themselves via well-established channels, participation by state institutions is currently limited. Once the political setting is stabilised, the government will need to go to great lengths to regain the trust of its external partners and re-establish donor coordination. This is fundamental if Moldova is to make the best use of assistance in order to recover its finances quickly.

Victoria Bucataru, Moldova still at the crossroads: Is the European path irreversible?”

Moldova still at the crossroads: Is the European path irreversible?” in The Di fferent Faces of "Soft Power": The Baltic States and Eastern Neighborhood between Russia and the EU/ Ed. by Toms Rostoks and Andris Spruds. și Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2015. și 256 p.,"]

Trends of Eastern Partnership, Survey on Post-Vilnius Eastern Partnership, Visegrad Fund project

The aim of the research project Important, Forgotten, or Irrelevant? Stakeholders' Survey on Post-Vilnius Eastern Partnership” was to map the ideas, opinions and visions of important stakeholders coming from V4 member states and EaP partner countries towards the EaP initiative. Our respondents (politicians, diplomats, civil servants, analysts, NGO workers, journalists, and businessmen) answered 15 questions in areas relating to the up to now development of the EaP initiative, its principal benefits and shortcomings for the participating countries and its future prospects.

Corneliu Ciurea: Comparative analysis of options for assurance of national security of the Republic...

In this paper we will debate the main trends that revolve around this major cleavage - neutrality versus accession to NATO- in terms of the consequences of the Ukrainian crisis on Moldova. In our opinion, in this situation the idea of neutrality increasingly loses its sense. Moreover, the disappearance of previously accepted rules turns the neutrality into an almost hollow concept. However, the paradox of security insurance makes, despite continued erosion of its contents, neutralityto remain an indispensable concept from the view of necessity to reduce the risks. Any guidance in other direction, would lead to an unjustified increase of risks and threats for the Republic of Moldova.

EU budget support to Eastern Partnership Countries: Cases of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. Eastern...

The publication represents an evaluation which focuses on the EU budget support as an instrument of the EU funding to governments in three Eastern Partnership countries: Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. This Publication has been produced in the framework of the project "EU Budget Support to the Eastern Partnership Countries: Civil Monitoring and Evaluation", funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Sweden Government.

Rosian Vasiloi, State Border Management – achievements and challenges in the context of implementing...

Project APE-BTD: Civic Monitoring on the implementation of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan with the European Union”