CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (APE) seeks six experts/ deadline extended to conduct policy analyses within a joint APE/FES Project European Integration and Foreign Policy Dialogues”


1.Purpose of the research

The aim is to produce six policy analyses that would provide a fair overview and useful policy recommendations on crucial issues of European integration reform agenda, foreign policy and Transnistrian settlement, such as:

1.Ministry of Interior Reform: Objectives, Activities, Outputs”;
2.Combating Corruption: Analysis of Institutional Deficiencies”;
3.Implementation of the Law on Equal Opportunities: Progresses and Challenges”;
4.Energy Security: The Role of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”;
5.Liberalization of the Visa Regime with the EU: Progress, Challenges, Prospects”;
6. Moldovas Reintegration Strategy: Laws, Institutions, Policies, and Resources”.


During the research, the experts are expected to apply the following approaches for data collection and analysis (but not limited to):
-Desk review of the relevant documents, existing researches and reports in the field;
-In-depth interviews with stakeholders (officials, politicians, civil society experts);
-Chatham House round-tables with key actors;
-Consultation meetings with the APE staff.


-Experts should have relevant experience in the field;
-Proper understanding of the current situation in the researched area;
-Minimum three years of related experience;
-Qualified experience in working with the governmental institutions and civil society organizations;
-Experts will have excellent oral and written skills in Romanian.


The key products expected from the research are:
A.Discussion Paper on the researched topic – in one month from signing the research contract (2-3 pages);
B.A comprehensive policy analysis (7-8 pages) on the selected topic that would include the following content:
-Executive summary;
-Short description of the methodology and data collection tools;
-Problem analysis & presentation of key findings;
-Presentation of main conclusions and recommendations;
C.Power Point Presentation, summarizing the report outputs.

All deliverables will become the property of APE and FES. The final report and Power Point Presentation will be provided in Romanian.

5.Application package

The applicant should submit the following documents:
-A CV reflecting the relevant experience of the applicant;
-Examples of previous researches conducted by the applicant;
-Research methodology;
-A tentative timetable for preparation of the discussion paper, desk analysis, consulting key stakeholders, and final presentation of the analysis.

6.Submission of applications

The deadline for submission of applications isMay 10, 2013.

The applications should be sent to the following address: 64, Sciusev str, MD 2012, Chisinau, Moldova, or alternatively by e-mail to: and with the name of the research in the subject line.

All questions regarding this task shall be addressed in written to Victoria Bucataru, APE Programs Director, at


Upon presentation of the final version of the policy paper the Researcher will be awarded with a fee of 300 Euro.