Elections in Belarus: International implications


August in review

Ludmila Nofit, Foreign Policy Association of Moldova

Is Moldova still “Learning” How to Be Independent and Democratic?

August was full of political and social events; some of them have shattered the 29th anniversary of Moldova’s independence on August 27. Struggle with unprecedented pandemic crisis and its severe consequences; continuous and tiring political disputes between the Moldovan political forces; everlasting justice reform and fight against corruption; decreasing quality of citizens life; as well expecting the most fiery upcoming November presidential elections are just few major issues which left many open questions ahead concerning further development of Moldova.


Download: http://www.ape.md/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/EaP-Think-Bridge-21-2020.pdf

Articolul precedentBuletin lunar, iulie 2020
Articolul următorBuletin lunar, August 2020